Thursday, November 28, 2019
Web Advertising Essays - Marketing, Digital Technology,
Web Advertising annon Web advertising, not to mention the Internet itself, finds itself in a stage of relative infancy and therefore provides marketers with novel challenges and situations which need to be dealt with caution . The realm of Web advertising is unchartered terri tory! In terms of South Africa, the country finds itsef somewhat behind technologically. However, this may not prove to be a disadvantage as the uncertain nature of Web advertising may make a policy of 'watching and learning' most viable. What implications will this new technology have for marketing? What is the nature of Web advertising? How can a business use the medium effectively? Where is all this going ? These questions appear to be most pertinent in the process of understanding interact ive marketing on the Internet. The qualified opinion of John Matthee, a Web site designer employed by Adept Internet (an Internet service provider), was sought in accumulation of a large sum of the following data. This seems appropriate as the novelty of Web advertising at this stage h as led to generral lack of academic data in the practicalities of advertising via this medium. 2) THE INTERNET: AN INTRODUCTION 2.1) Original development of the Internet What was originally created by the US military to provide a secure means of communication in case of nuclear war, which has now become known as the Internet, has metamorphosed into the strategic global communications tool of our era. The end of the cold w ar left this massive installed structure - initially dubbed ARPANET- without much of a purpose. Soon universities, major corporations and governments began to piggyback on to the global framework, extending its reach and commercialising it. Known as the N et to aficionados, the Availability of cheap, accessible and easy-to-use Net access points throughout the world has seen the number of global Internet users increase dramatically each month. While the convenience of electronic mail was initial catalyst for Internet growth world wide, it's the emergence of the World Wide Web (WWW) multimedia interface that has captured the attention of prospective users across the globe. The resources available on the WWW are as varied as they are extensive. There hundreds of thousands of sites which can be broadly categorised under topics such as sport, entertainment, finance and many more (Perlman, 1996). 2.2) Development of Internet in South Africa Perlman (1996, p 29) ventured that 'South Africa is major global Internet player. It currently rates in the top 15 in the world terms of Internet growth rates.' Local user numbers are certainly fueled by universities, companies and schools. The genesis of South Africa's rapid Internet growth seems to stem from UniNet, the Internet service offered to the countries major tertiary institutions and steered from Rhod es University. This explains the phenomenon whereby the majority of local Internet entrepreneurs - many of them are under thirty and already multi-millionaires - come from tertiary education backgrounds where they were weaned on readily available Internet access. Popular 'browser' client software for navigating the multimedia WWW includes Netscape and Microsoft Internet Explorer. On the other end, there exist approximately 30 local companies which call themselves ISP's (Internet Service Providers), which operate in similar fashion to a cellular company such as Vodacom, providing either dial-up connections to the Internet and/or leased line connectivity to companies. This has led to the explosion of a number of related ventures, such as companies who speci alise in producing multimedia web pages (such as Adept Internet), Internet commerce, cable companies and modem suppliers (Perlman, 1996). 2.3) Technological Implications for Marketing Joseph (1996, p. 29) concisely described the situation as such: ' Marketing, like most business disciplines, is undergoing a period of change as a direct result of the information revolution. The rapidly declining costs of and increasing power of information processing technology is altering the in which customers and businesses relate to each other. Marketers, however should be cautious not to attempt a quantum leap from more traditional meth ods as this is sure to bring issues such as lack expertise to the fore which could prove disastrous (Steyn, 1996). Essentially, the point is that as a marketing drive, the additional services supplied by technology provides the marketer with the opportunity to gain an edge in the race to win the consumer. More and more, new technology appears to be focusing on the add ition of value. On an individual level, for example, the marketer may use the technology to make himself more accessible to the consumer thus adding to his service levels. A company may realise added value by investing in expensive multimedia kiosks
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Is Recess Necessary in Schools essays
Is Recess Necessary in Schools essays There is a common misconception in our society that recess does not serve any real purpose. The Board of Directors of the American Association for the Childs Right to Play believes that recess is vital to a childs overall healthy development. Recess periods, which are regularly scheduled periods within the elementary school day for unstructured physical activity and play, give students a chance to discover their interests and passions, to develop ingenuity and inventiveness and serves as a vehicle that helps children establish self-esteem and strive for achievable personal goals. It also allows children to practice life skills such as conflict resolution, cooperation, respect for rules, taking turns, sharing, using language to communicate and problem solving in real situations that are real. There is a common misconception in our society that recess does not serve any real purpose. The Board of Directors of the American Association for the Childs Right to Play (IPA/USA) believe that recess is vital to a childs overall healthy development. (IPA/USA ) Recess periods, which are regularly scheduled periods within the elementary school day for unstructured physical activity and play, (Wechsler, Devereaux, Davis, It also allows children to practice life skills such as conflict resolution, cooperation, respect for rules, taking turns, sharing, using language to communicate and problem solving in real situations that are real. (Council on Physical Education for Children-COPEC, 2001) In a 1989 survey by the National Association of Elementary School Principals, 90% of the reporting school districts had some form of recess. Since that ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Special characteristic of BU Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Special characteristic of BU - Essay Example As a student, I feel that I learn best when I test the theories that I have studied through textbooks. Boston University attracts teachers who are at the forefront of their respective fields and are passionate about fostering a learning environment. They are there for the love of the students and the learning that is going on at the school, not for the money as typical in other schools. In addition, the diverse backgrounds of the students encourage the sharing of varied cultural perspectives with each other. Such communication is invaluable because it is a unique opportunity that cannot be replicated anywhere else. Also, the learning is not just limited to the classroom. At Boston University, students are encouraged to explore rather than to memorize the textbook. These are the reasons why it must be Boston University. – BU attracts students from more countries than are represented in the United Nations. Our global presence and reputation are important and are reflected in the perspectives, opinions, and experiences of our students. Why is this type of environment important to you? (500 words, 5000 characters) My status as an international student is a testament to the importance of a global perspective of the world in today’s global economy. If I did not understand its value, I would not have chosen to pursue the challenging path of trying to benefit from an American educational system while overcoming cultural and language barriers. Part of what has shaped my outlook.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
International Marketing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
International Marketing - Research Paper Example icates that the product discussed higher market share in European nations among other parts of the globe where a higher profit margin is reported (Grunig and Kuhn, 2008). For situational analysis, the company can use various methods. The following methods can are be utilized: Porter’s method, 5Cs and SWOT method of analysis. One of the best methods to be used in this situation is the 5Cs analysis. The 5Cs represents company, competitors, customers, collaborators, and climate. First, the company needs to evaluate its objectives, strategy, and capabilities. The evaluation of these elements will help the management determine how fit the organization fits the external environment. Evaluation of the company objectives and goals may include the analysis of organization visions, goals and the environment under which the organization is operating in to achieve its corporate goals. In addition, organization should assess marketing strategies to determine its efficiency and carry out necessary improvements (Hitt, Irel, and Hoskisson, 2007). The products produced should also be analyzed to dete5rmine whether they meet customer needs and expectations. Secondly, we will consider the competitors. Here we will check the position of a competitor in the market and the possible potential threats they may cause to the industry. The competitor analysis will help the management prepare against competition. The organization should conduct customer analysis to determine their needs that in return help the organization to achieve a higher market share. The analysis will help the management of the organization with the knowledge of whether the customer needs and wants are met. It will also help the organization determine the familiarity of the products to the customers, which in turn will determine the intensity of the advertisement. The management will also know the income of its customers, which will help them determine the different prices of their products. The fourth statement
Monday, November 18, 2019
Identify the environmental factors that affect global and domestic Essay
Identify the environmental factors that affect global and domestic marketing decisions - Essay Example Due to the effective and competent marketing research and development of Coca-Cola it was able to manufacture and distribute worldwide. Coca-Cola is evidently a transnational organization. Even though the main office of Coca-Cola is in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, the beverage magnate is greater than merely an American firm with several branches abroad (Gillespie & Hennesy 2010). It is genuinely an international business. Almost 80% of the operating income of Coca-Cola (Ferrell 2007) originates from its operations overseas. Influence of Global Economic Interdependence and Trade Practices and Agreements Trade agreements smooth the progress of joint enterprises, franchising, distribution systems, and other global transactions between and among companies. Products of Coca-Cola are manufactured and distributed in a large number of countries all over the world. National governments curb barriers to trade like tariffs cutback and funding that took place specifically a decade (Gillespie & Henness y 2010). This has been one of the major reasons compelling Coca-Cola to spread out globally. In the meantime, there has been an increasing financial market deregulation since 1980s. This has involved abolishing floating of currencies and exchange regulations (Ferrell 2008). This aids Coca-Cola in identifying financial deal globally. Lifting regulations on interest rate permits the company to take advantage of overseas lending effortlessly, with the intention of reaching the global market (Gillespie & Hennessy 2010). The financial market deregulation has significantly enhanced competition and promotes remarkable escalation in worldwide financial movement (Gillespie & Hennessy 2010). In sum, Coca-Cola has effectively reached the global market in reaction to the motivators of globalization. Importance of Demographics and Physical Infrastructure Coca-Cola has become successful through market segmentation and differentiation. For instance, the company recognizes that individuals with dyn amic or hectic lifestyle will prefer beverages that have high contents of caffeine or glucose, like energy or sports drinks (Ferrell 2008). Likewise, the company is aware that children, teenagers, and young adults want sweet beverages (Ferrell 2008). This is how Coca-Cola uses the importance of demographics. For example, the company determined through market research that Coca-Cola Lite was considered a ‘female drink’ by males. Consequently, the company introduced a fresh product, named Coke Zero, which is intended for the male consumers (Gillespie & Hennessy 2010). In the meantime, the company is affected by physical infrastructure in terms of its response to the fast growing beverage market. Coca-Cola takes into consideration the capacity for expansion of its current factories, acquisition or building of other facilities, and acquisition of goods from other producer (Gillespie & Hennessy 2010). As an outcome of this consideration the company is able to choose the best sites or places at which to broaden or enlarge their production capacity. Influence of Cultural Differences Promotional campaigns of Coca-Cola have been in agreement with the local culture. An adjusted or localized marketing mix implies modifying the mix with the dominant economic, physical, and cultural differences in various countries. Diverse cultures and languages
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Social And Cultural Implications Of The Internet Media Essay
The Social And Cultural Implications Of The Internet Media Essay The remit of this essay is to discuss the social implication of the internet. It will focus on research findings and the work of authors and theorist in this field. A critical approach will raise arguments both in support and against the implications of the internet. An evaluation of the evidence will assist in the conclusion of the essay. In 1973 American computer scientist, Vinton Cerf contributed to the invention of the Internet and its development of transmission protocols. This project was sponsored by the United States Department of defence, Advanced Research projects agency and directed by American engineer Robert Kahn. Ament (2007) Worldwide network of thousands of computers and computer networks. It is a public, voluntary, and cooperative effort between the connected institutions and is not owned or operated by any single organization. If we single out the section that states is not owned or operated by any single organisation this alone should raise questions regarding social intrusion and its social implication and ramification, the most important issue here, is that there is no control on what is available via this extensive accessible medium. With technological advancement and public accessibility the internet has become a mass medium and has changed our world dramatically. It has evoked strong public discussions from one extreme to the next on its implications on society. On one hand, the internet can be seen for its great benefits, it has become a public forum in the form of freedom, connectivity and many other social benefits which continue to evolve at an accelerating rate. However, others recognise its faults and its harm within various social structures, to culture, morality and human relations and others who are not so extreme in their views but are able to recognise both its advantages and disadvantage but remain vigilant of its existing negative impacts. The following is an excerpt from the book Release; author Esther Dyson, where she acknowledges the social and cultural implications of the internet. The net offers us a chance to take charge of our own lives and to redefine our role as citizens of local communities and of global society. It also hands us the responsibility to govern ourselves, to think for ourselves, to educate our children, to do business honestly, and to work with fellow citizens to design rules we want to live by. (Dyson 1997) Esther Dyson is implying that the internet enables individuals who share the same interest, values and beliefs to come together and offers them the chance to build a society or community. Here these individuals are able to converse their work, engage in truth-telling which allows trust to be built between people, and can act as a second home for many. The internet has given religious leaders cause for concern as this extreme position depicted by the Council of Torah sages who are a group of orthodox rabbis in Israel who enforced a rule in the banning of the internet from all Jewish homes in 2000. According to a news bulletin posted online by Linda Harrison (2000) which states that the internet is described as the worlds leading cause of temptation. It is also said that the internet is 1,000 times more dangerous than television and were banned thirty years earlier, although the Council were able to recognise some benefits that the internet possesses, they saw and defined the internet as moral pollution. They considered the possibility of internet addiction in many youths which would stop any motivation to learn the Torah. In support of this according to online Islamic news website claims that a new law has been enforced in Syria of the banning of certain websites for example, websites which publish information criticising the presi dent and his family. Not quite as extreme as the council of Torah sages, Syria too wants to have control over what it being made available online and hope this new internet law will be effective. Many internet critics, unlike the Council of Torah sages, see some positives in the internet and its technology, and many of them are able to recognise its faults to the medium. In the main the general public form their own opinions on what they believe to be advantages and disadvantage of the internet and can differ in the way in which they are able to use them against one another. Underneath these is the different value systems people hold in relation to the internet. For example, Esther Dyson values a libertarian system, where a persons freedom, property rights and free market capitalism are maximized. This positive attitude towards the internet is based on the potential she believes that technology uses to promote these values. In contrast to this, the values held by the Council of Torah sages are of a Hareidi nature. These are a variety of orthodox Jews, which according to them the highest good is the obedience of Gods law which has been laid out in the Torah, they formulate and base many of their values according to what is written in the Torah and conclude that the internet is harmful. The internet is best known for providing the ability for freedom of speech, connectivity, access to information, communication, and entertainment, developing and maintaining social relations. All of these are functions; the internet has been designed specifically to provide services for individuals allowing them to successfully perform many different tasks. It is claimed that the internet has adapted other benefits which were not intentional such as, development and understand of a variety of different cultures and social backgrounds. This is due to the vast amount of information the internet houses which allow anyone, anywhere to access. Information is continuously being made available by millions of individuals who are lucky enough to have access to the internet. Reliable information is of huge importance to the functioning for those who use the internet. If people trust the information provided on the internet they will continue to use and pass around information encouraging more people to access it. It allows individuals to gain more knowledge and acquire information which is seen as a huge benefit to our society. Another advantage of the internet is known as Information dissemination this enables anyone easily and inexpensively to upload and disseminate any information which can be made available to a wide audience, which can very quickly become widespread reaching millions of people. This helps promote freedom of speech by giving people the ability to share and voice there opinions, where they can inform and influence others. This is considered to be a benefit however; how people interpret this information can determine whether freedom of speech can be considered a benefit. The internet has a huge impact on how users are able to communicate with each other. The internet allows one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many to communicate over the internet easily and inexpensively through the use of social networking sites and chartrooms such as Facebook, Myspce, and MSN Messenger. Users are able to communicate with a variety of individuals across the globe; this goes far beyond the idea of dissemination of information. Communication over the internet allows two or more people to express and share their values and opinions with each other, which could lead to the creation of intimacy and the following of actions. Communication is of great importance to individuals and the internet is used to enhance communication and is considered a great benefit. The internet allows development and maintenance of social relations to take place with people outsides ones surrounding area. It is very important that social relations are able to function in society between individuals. The internet provides services which allow the development and the maintenance of social relations to continue to grow. For example social networking sites like Facebook and forms of leisure and entertainment. For example, individuals are able to set up forums where they are able to interact with each other playing games, discussing hobbies and interest which allow sharing and trading to take place, Individuals are able to share cultural jokes, pictures, software, music and videos. Despite this, the internet has some frequently mentioned flaws. These disadvantages come directly from the internets benefits. One can not deny the fact that the internet creates new possibilities for communication, social interaction, entertainment and many more. However, it can be argued that when these services are performed over the internet they tend to become much more harmful than they would be when performed in reality. According to Hubert Dreyfus a Professor of Philosophy at the University of California who suggested that online social relationships tend to be less profound, valuable and durable than offline relationships, and that computer-mediated communication less expressive and authentic than face-to-face communication (Dreyfus, 2001), meaning that if relationships are started and developed over the internet between two people, when meeting each other for the first time face-to-face complications may occur. The ways in which two people interact with each other over the internet differ from when face-to-face. For example, body language and facial expression is made visible when face-to-face compared to when interacting online. It can be said that because people are able to interact over the internet they tend to take less time and make less effort to involve in face-to-face interactions, which is harmful to how they react in social interactions. Communicating over the internet can tend to be harmful. Conversations can at times become aggressive and violent. The internet can contain a large amount of disrespectful texts which have been posted by individuals using the internet that others may find offensive. The internet has been used as a form of harassment where the victim has no control over what is being displayed concerning their personal life, compared to if this were being communicated verbally in reality. Although the internet provides a vast amount of information which can be seen as a positive, it can also be seen as a negative. It is suggested that because of the lack of selection mechanisms the information provided on the internet can at times be false and unreliable. It is difficult to locate sources of different text found of the internet making it loose value. If the information found on the internet can not be trusted less and less people will feel the need to use it giving more traditional ways of finding information more power. With a vast amount of information comes harmful information. Almost anything and everything can be found on the internet because of the lack of selection mechanisms what is being posted on the internet is hard to locate and remove. The internet contains a large amount of disturbing material which can be easily accessed by anyone using it for example, pornography, violence towards animals and other human beings, extremist ideologies and so on. Most of this is shown in the media compared to the internet it is being controlled and censored to what is being seen. In concluding the evidence found though research it is clear that the internet raises mix reaction from both it users and its critics. In order to begin to understand the social and cultural implications of the internet it is vital that one is able to recognise the internets positive and negative aspects and how each service provided by the internet is used to benefit the individual. The internet allows people to gain a vast amount of knowledge and communicate with people across the globe. Individuals are able to share and receive information concerning personal interests with those with similar interest. The idea of freedom of speech has no limit although; this can be seen as a concern It is not possible to control everything that is being circulated over the internet therefore it is up to us as individuals in how we process and use the information which is being made available. Only if we can acquire an understanding of the social and cultural implications of the internet and relate this to our own values and beliefs as individuals can we then determine whether or not the internet is harmful or has a positive effect. What is clear is that the internet is a significant part of our modern culture its invasive and has its own social norms encapsulating societies from around the globe whatever our personal or collective opinions may be it will continue to grow and the question of diluting, restricting or even licensing the internet could have implications on this very unique social structure. Many critics would like to see these restrictions being imposed and like the internet this debate will also continue to grow dividing those for and those against.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Student Organizations :: Education Clubs Career Essays
Student Organizations Student organizations have been established to support and enhance learning in many career-technical fields: Future Farmers of America (FFA), agriculture; Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), business; Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA), marketing; Technology Student Association (TSA), technology; and Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA), allied health. These organizations provide opportunities for leadership development, service learning, and career exploration. Students, teachers, and parents expect that membership in these organizations will result in learning and enhanced skills as well as the development of positive values, social skills, and an ability to work independently and collaboratively (Vaughn, Kieth, and Lockaby 1999; Williams 2001). It is the anticipation of these academic, professional, and career-related benefits, as well as opportunities for friendship and belonging, that lead many young people to become members of career and technical ed ucation (CTE) student organizations. Intended for CTE educators, this Digest reviews research on outcomes students have realized from membership in these organizations and describes how the organizations are changing as CTE evolves. Outcomes of Participation in CTE Student Organizations A major research study was conducted by Purdue University comparing agricultural education students to the "typical high school student" identified by the Horatio Alger Association ("Communicating the Good News!" 2000). The Purdue study showed outcomes for students who participated in FFA, a CTE student organization with about 450,000 members (Stagg and Stuller 1999). Because all career-technical student organizations share similar goals for membership and participation, the outcomes of the Purdue study serve as the basis for this discussion, focusing on four major outcome areas: scholarship, motivation, professional development, and citizenship. Scholarship Key findings of the Purdue study showed that students involved in FFA are more enthusiastic about and attach greater value to their school studies than do average students. The FFA students also are more actively engaged in school activities, more likely than the average student to relate personal effort to success, and more likely to prepare for postsecondary studies and attend two-year and four-year colleges (Reese 2001). One reason CTE student organizations inspire scholarship is that the school-business partnerships that characterize these organizations connect school learning to its application in the workplace. Minorities in Agriculture, National Resources, and Related Sciences (MANRRS) is one such national student organization that is committed to fostering partnerships between minority students in agriculture and national resources and professionals from academia, government, and business. Through MANRRS membership, students are able to network with more than 50 governmental, private industry, and educational entities.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Compare the ways in which language is used for effect in the two texts. Give some examples and analyse the effects Essay
The two sources that I am going to compare are Source 3 and Source 2. Source 2 is an article aimed for anyone who is interested in swimming or even people who like to read about incredible accomplishments made by other people. The text is formal and is about Philippe Croizon who in 2 years learnt to swim without his limbs. He lost of all of his limbs in 1994 while he was removing a television aerial from a roof and it hit a power line. However source 3 is a book extract aimed at adults who like reading about geography in general. The text is formal and is about Christopher Ondaatje who crosses part of Lake Victoria. On his journey there he talks about the spectacular sunrise he sees behind Mwanza. He also talks about the experience with ferry rides and the past experience about one of those ferries going down just outside Mwanza and that people were killed. In comparison with source 3, source 2 is a happier and also more exciting and the reader feels more drawn to the fact that after 16 years after losing all of his limbs, Philippe Croizon crosses Channel than the fact that in source 3 the story is taken more calmly and less exciting to be taking a ferry across the lake. Furthermore, in source 2 the contrast between the fact that the man, 2 years ago â€Å"could barely swim at all†and him saying after the channel swim â€Å"I did it. I’m so happy†is evocative. Moreover, this shows that despite the fact that he lost all of his limbs, he could still do something incredible which occurs at the beginning of the article, engaging the reader and setting a tone of excitement and most of all pride. However in source 3, there are only a few evocative moments in the extract – â€Å"the fish eagles screeched their mocking cry†, â€Å"spectacular sunrise†. However none of which express excitement or pride. The difference in language used for effect is that in source 3, short sentences are employed to enhance meaning and effect: â€Å"an idyllic spot†, â€Å"no other sounds†, â€Å"spectacular sunrise†, the alliteration of the ‘s’ add an emphasis to the experience of them looking at the sunrise and the reader is able to emphasise with them. However in source 2, the language used is that alliteration occurs with â€Å"treacherous tides†â€Å"sofa sportsman†for emphasis –just like in source 3, and engagement. Moreover, the similarities between these 2 sources is that they both have an element of drama in the texts. In source 3, we are left with not knowing if they make it across the lake in the ferry because â€Å"a year earlier, one of these ferries went down just outside Mwanza, and people were killed†this makes the reader shocked and eager to carry on reading. However in source 2, the element of drama is when the text explains how the man lost all of his limbs, â€Å"Mr Croizon’s legs and lower arms were amputated after he suffered a calamitous electric shock while removing a television aerial from a roof in 1994 when it hit a power line†. This leaves the reader with the unanswered question of how did he manage to do it, which leads into wanting to read the rest of the text. The language used in both texts is formal. The reader is able to read with ease as the texts are informative. In source 2 – â€Å"an average channel swimmer takes around eight hours†, â€Å"21 miles from Folkestone to the French coast†. In source 3 – â€Å"Mwanza, a vibrant African city†, â€Å"the people pressed up against the front of the ferry, along the sides and against the railsâ€
Friday, November 8, 2019
Explore the phenomenal box office success of blockbuster films Jaws and Star Wars and how they forever changed the film making industry Essays
Explore the phenomenal box office success of blockbuster films Jaws and Star Wars and how they forever changed the film making industry Essays Explore the phenomenal box office success of blockbuster films Jaws and Star Wars and how they forever changed the film making industry Paper Explore the phenomenal box office success of blockbuster films Jaws and Star Wars and how they forever changed the film making industry Paper Essay Topic: Jaws Contemporary cinema today is a fierce market. Most Fridays of the week see a new release featuring our favourite stars on the big screen, in the next highly anticipated movie. The seasons, Summer and Winter also see the years biggest movies hit the screen in order to satisfy our entertainment needs. However, the movie industry hasnt always operated in this way. In the early stages of cinema, our much loved multi million dollar Blockbusters were only a thing of dreams, from the incredible special effects to the massive budgets. This essay aims to explore the impact of Blockbuster films and how they have changed modern cinema, with reference to the hugely popular Star Wars franchise, and the Jaws movies. The essay will also explore the effects these films have left on popular culture, and if they still exist today.The term blockbuster simply defines as a form of media that sustains widespread popularity, achieves enormous sales figures and creates a cultural phenomenon. The beginning o f this new blockbuster era was pioneered by, Steven Spielbergs Jaws and George Lucas Star Wars franchise, both of which were released in the 1970s. The movie Jaws is about a number of shark attacks taking place on the beaches of the U.S.A, in which a $3000 bounty is offered for the animal, in which sparks off a frenzy of people attempting to hunt for the shark. The Star Wars movies tell the story of Luke Skywalker, and his fight against the evil Darth Vader and the Empires efforts to rule the galaxy.Both movies were a huge success, with Jaws being the first movie to earn over $100 million dollars at the box office, and eventually grossing over $470 million dollars worldwide. Star Wars however topped its success, by earning around $775 million dollars worldwide. Before these films, the term Blockbuster simply described the film by box office sales success, rather than its cultural phenomenon and influence on other mediums.One way in which these films changed the film making industry was through the way of merchandising. If the actual movies themselves didnt make enough money (despite doing so), the merchandise for each film would have helped. Merchandise ranges from action figures to video games to sequels and soundtracks (in which John Williams composed the soundtracks to both films). The soundtracks themselves are easily recognisable when listened to, and are so around the world. The iconic string section in Jaws when the shark is ready to hunt down its prey, to the grand orchestral opener to Star Wars, as the introduction rolls down the screen.According to, movie music before these films, soundtracks had begun to take on pop route and avoid orchestral music, until the score for Star Wars was written. The themes such as the title music and the imperial march are something of a cultural nature due to their popularity. For example, if anyone was to imitate the tune, we as a culture associate this with bad news or a bad person. The soundtrack has been released a total of six times, with re-mastered tracks and additional audio tracks. Even a disco version of the song was mixed and played in clubs a year after the films release. John Williams furthered his movie soundtrack career by providing soundtracks to countless movies, including Home Alone, Superman and the Harry Potter Movies.Altogether since 1977, Star Wars merchandise alone earned around $13.5 billion (NPR News 2007) in retail sales. Dale Pollock (author of Skywalking, an unauthorised biography of George Lucas) stated that It was much more than just action figures and toy sets It was merchandise in more variety and volume that Hollywood had ever seen. (Pollock, D, 1999). For the first time in 1977, toy stores such as Toys R Us had shelf and isle space just for movie tie ins thanks to Star Wars merchandising. With products such as this available, it helps keep the franchise alive as more than just a film, and allows the consumer to be Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader and let the movie live on. The merchandising continues today, as more and more various products are made, such as video games like the Lego Star Wars series, and further toys and action figures from the prequel films made in the 2000s. This form of mass merchandising is still happening today with other blockbuster movies, such as Pirates of the Caribbean (2003) movies and The Dark Knight (2008).The impact that these movies have left on popular culture, are also a force to be reckoned with. Both movies are frequently parodied in other forms of media. For example, the T.V series Family Guy frequently parodies the Star Wars trilogy in various episodes. Also, the T.V show dedicated a whole 45 minute, special episode named Blue Harvest, which parodies the whole of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, and are currently working on finishing up the parody trilogy by repeating this with the remaining two movies.With this in mind, we can use this example and relate it to Christian Metzs (1974) theor y of genre cycle changes. He argued that through a genres lifetime, it would go through 4 stages of changes, which can be down to technology (introduction of sound and colour) or contemporary issues (World War I, II, AIDS, Terrorism etc). These include the Experimental Stage, The Classic Stage, The Parody Stage and The Deconstruction stage. Metz suggested that the Experimental movies were very early on, and dynamic in which case we could use Frtiz Langs 1927 movie, Metropolis. Star Wars would then fit into the Classic stage, as the successful codes and conventions of early sci-fi films are taken and built on until made more formulaic. The parody stage is where the films clichà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s are made fun of or to re-engage with the audience, in which we can use the previous example of Family Guy, or Mel Brooks sci-fi comedy, Spaceballs. The Deconstruction stage is when the generic elements are placed out of context, for example, Kurt Wimmers Equilibrium (2002), where the mise en scene is sci-fi, yet the story is dealing with other issues, such as emotion and fascism.A strong sense of Star Wars popular culture impact was discovered in the British 2001 census. An Internet campaign that spread via email encouraged the public to identify their religion as Jedi or Jedi Knight in the other religion section. According to the BBC, the number of people in the U.K that were faithful to the Jedi religion that year was around 390,000 strong.Both movies also showed new technological innovations and furthered some already used.Jaws used rare filming techniques such as the reverse dolly zoom, originally used in Alfred Hitchcocks movies. This is when the dolly on which the camera is held moves backward on its track, whilst the camera zooms in on the face. This is used when Police Chief Martin Brody (Roy Scheider) spots danger in the sea during the beach scene. Special effects were further improved with the use of animatronics. The mechanical shark, named Bruce (Times online) was actually three sharks, used for different movements. One of these was just for use in the water, improving technical areas of special effects.Star Wars special effects however have changed the movie industry forever. The effects used in the movie were way ahead of its time and have set a certain standard for future film productions.The use of foley sound is one of these. Foley sound is when sounds effects are recorded in a studio and then later placed in the film. For example, the sound of the Tie Fighter spaceships in the movie are actually noises of a bellowing Elephant and the sound of the character Jabba The Hut moving is actually the sounds of a trash can filled with wet towels.Throughout the film, Lucas used a variety of special effects techniques, new and old combined. From the use of puppets, animatronics and stop motion animation, to the use of green screen and CGI. People were willing to pay the ticket price to simply witness in awe the effects that Lucas had brought to t he screen with his special effects production company, Industrial Light and Magic. This company in itself has had a massive impact on the movie industry alone, regardless of the Star Wars movies, as it has provided special effects for countless movies and Hollywood Blockbusters. These include E.T, Star Trek Movies, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Jurassic Park and Men In Black just to name a few from Industrial Light and Magics impressive C.V. These movies clearly range from the origins of sci-fi that they were created to work for, and are now a more general company rather than a niche in the sci-fi genre. The movie trilogy also created the company Skywalker Sound, that have also progressed to work on such movies as Speed (1994), Forrest Gump (1994), Titanic (1997), Fight Club (1999) and even video games, such as Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (2008) and the Mercenaries (2005) games series. Therefore without Star Wars, these effects companies wouldnt have helped create films thro ugh time.Although with this in mind, many re releases of the original Star Wars trilogy have been issued with improved Special effects, CGI and sound. These are included years later in the special edition video and DVD versions. George Lucas stated that There were various things I wasnt happy with, special effects, scenes that hadnt been included due to money and time. (Star Wars Special Edition Video Interview). Many hardcore Star Wars fans and purists argue that the films shouldnt have been tampered with and left alone, however if they had not been restored, the original films would have deteriorated with age. Also from the same video, Rick McCallum, the producer of the special edition video stated that: if they had not been restored for this particular edition, they might not have been available ever again.With other versions of these films in mind, fans of the original Star Wars trilogy became very critical when regarding the later made prequels of the movies, especially episode I, The Phantom Menace (1999). A re edited version of the movie was created entitled, Episode 1.1: The Phantom Edit, that was allegedly better than Lucas version. The revised version contained the more promising footage from the movie. Tapes of the movie were quickly circulated through the underground scene of die-hard Star Wars fanatics.However, although with special effects making the visuals impressive, we could say that this could diminish the plots and storylines to these films.We could apply this with Vladimir Propp (1928) theory on narrative structures. He studied the narrative structures of Russian folk tales and discovered that regardless of individual differences in plot, settings, genre etc such narratives share common features, particularly character types. I shall apply his list of character types to the Star Wars movies (although may change over the course of the trilogy) in the table below.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Menendez Brothers essays
Menendez Brothers essays The Menendez brothers are two very disturbed people that lived very disturbed lives. They killed their parents in cold blood and tried to cover it up. Both of them are lying dishonest people so no one will ever know what actually took place the night they killed their parents, but I believe that they did it not for revenge, but for greed. Jose dreamed that Lyle would attend an Ivy League college. Lyle, who was not a good student, told his friends that he wanted to skip college and open a restaurant with his fathers financial backing. Jose would not entertain thoughts of anything less than an Ivy League education for Lyle. When Lyle initially applied to Princeton in 1986, he was rejected. He enrolled in a local community college and submitted another application to Princeton for the 1987 school year. While Lyle waited to hear from Princeton, he met and began to date Jaime Pisarcik, a waitress at a local Princeton restaurant. Jaime was also a tennis player and five years older than Lyle was. Kitty and Jose did not like Jaime because they felt that Jaime was dating Lyle because he was the son of wealthy parents. Lyle was accepted to Princeton in 1987, more on the strength of his ethnicity and ability to play tennis, than on his standardized test scores and high school grades that were just average. During the summer of 1987, Lyle and Jaime announced that they were engaged. This announcement angered Jose. At 19, Jose felt that Lyle was too young to be married. Shortly before Lyle was to begin at Princeton, Jaime moved to Alabama to teach tennis. Lyle followed her. Jose was upset by this and secretly arranged to sponsor Jaime on a European tennis tour. Jose thought that once Jaime was out of the picture, Lyle could concentrate on Princeton without any distractions. Jose was wrong. Lyle followed Jaime to Europe. Final admission to Princeton is contingent on each admitted freshman signing a letter promising to obey the honor ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Hw2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Hw2 - Assignment Example Since the machine is like a limited resource that eventually, brings about interdepartmental and interpersonal conflicts. When this occurs, there is decreased productivity coupled with dwindling of people’s morale. Handling and resolving a situation at work is quite a task an employee faces. Mainly most of them feel dissatisfied because there is no resolution achieved. What made the situation hard to handle is due to the financial constrains within the organization, hence limiting the resource despite the big workload around. Since this has become a major problem in the company though a lasting solution was on discussion and agreed by every employee. Every employee gave his/her opinion on the matter because the problem affected everybody within the company. It came to conclusion that for every profit generated, half of it was to go in buying of office equipment until when there were enough equipment for employees. If I had, the chance to make the decision in rectifying this predicament the initial step would be employing a short-term decision to restrain the situation first. In the case of the two employees, they undergo training on how to mediate the dispute by themselves and each has different timing to use a particular machine. For long term goal, to solve the situation permanently is by ensuring enough resources that can serve every
Friday, November 1, 2019
Aquarius Advertising Agency Case Analysis Article
Aquarius Advertising Agency Case Analysis - Article Example Their second goal is to develop media plans for billboards, television, newspaper, internet and radio. A subsidiary goal is in marketing, distribution and research marketing of effective adverts. The culture of the organization is centred on a traditional model characterized by interactive communication between account managers and clients. Moreover, the technology is consistent with current information technology equipment such as computers for emailing and advert design, as well as telephones for contacting clients. The matrix organizational structure would not be a feasible option for Aquarius. Foremost, the option would be a very expensive option to maintain in the case of Aquarius. The major reason is that Aquarius is involved in the advertisement industry accustomed with frequent turnover of clients. Consequently, there fluctuations in its profit margins would experience financial strain in maintaining the matrix structure. A further disadvantage of the structure is that it would worsen the internal conflict in communication that Aquarius has experienced and attempting to resolve. This is because the matrix structure is consistent with dual reporting and accountability to seniors. As a result it would create confusion among subordinates regarding their directing
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