Friday, January 31, 2020
Emotional Intelligence Essay Example for Free
Emotional Intelligence Essay Emotional intelligence is defined as an individual’s ability to perceive, control and appraise emotions. Emotional intelligence can be learned, strengthened or be an inborn characteristic. Emotional intelligence is thus the subject of social intelligence that entails the ability to monitor one’s own and other’s thoughts and emotions, to differentiate among them and to apply information in guiding one’s thinking and actions. There are four varied areas of emotional intelligence. This includes, identifying, understanding using, and managing emotions. In the current world, emotional intelligence influence behavior in various social settings such as schools, community and the work place (Matthews, Zeidner Roberts, 2004). Every activity that is done with application of emotional intelligence is aimed at superseding and helping persons in their academic achievement, work performance, capacity to communicate effectively and solving daily problems. This helps an individual in building meaningful affiliations and making moral decisions. Mindfulness is viewed as an emotional intelligence for an individual growth. Mindfulness involves centering on one’s concentration on thoughts, feelings and events in the present time while remaining inquisitive, open and admitting whatever happens. Mindfulness promotes effectiveness as an individual engrosses himself/herself in an experience so as to disregard himself/herself. Mindfulness can be used as a technique for management of intense emotions such as fear and anger that leads to misconstruction and conflict. This enhances minimization of human suffering. Mindfulness practice facilitates interpersonal perceptive and effectiveness through social and emotional progress. Therefore, mindfulness strengthens ourselves and also promotes others as well as increasing self-regulation which is a main component of emotional intelligence. In Effective Emotional Orientation (EEO), a leader must have emotional intelligence. This helps him/her to bring into line personal and subordinate goals so as to accomplish the company’s goals. Nevertheless, EEO can be promoted through achievement of competencies. The skills that an individual acquires help him/her to increase the ability to manage and monitor his or her own emotions and correctly determine the emotional status of others in influencing their opinions. According to Buddhist approach to emotional well- being, when training is done for a particular period of time, it fosters mental and emotional well-being. However, subjective interior experience must be acknowledged as a justifiable domain of reality. Buddhist view mental health as a condition of mental balance and division of emotions on the basis of either constructive emotions or destructive emotions. The conception of emotional intelligence has been applied in a number of areas that are outside the psychological research and therapy rings. Professional, educational and community organizations have incorporated various aspects of the emotional intelligence values. This helps institutions to promote working linkages, have better results and advance personal contentment. Emotional intelligence is applied so as to normalize emotions for personal health and more especially, mental health (Matthews, Zeidner Roberts, 2004). For instance low emotional intelligence is coupled with depression, low self-esteem, solitude, suicidal feelings and hostile behavior. On the other hand, high emotional intelligence is associated with increased well-being such as more fulfillments with life and increased happiness. Emotional intelligence has a significant function in medicine nursing and other healthcare disciplines for both personal healthcare and professional practice. In everyday life, emotional intelligence is seen as a possible aspect in mediating stress. Therefore, acknowledgement of emotional intelligence is vital to health care administration leadership in order to promote health in the society. References Matthews, G, Zeidner, M Roberts, D. (2004). Emotional intelligence: science and myth. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Linguistic Determinism: Words and Thoughts Essays -- Language, Semanti
There is no human language without socio-cultural context; meanwhile language resides inside each individual’s mind and as a result, linguistic interaction did not occur without the use of the language. Individuals do not create languages; they just use that one given to them by society. For Saeed (2009), language is the mirror of culture and it is determined by the categories available in speakers’ own language. Studies about relationship between language and culture and between language and thought have a long history and have placed a much conferred proposal to modern linguistic: the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. This hypothesis points out that influence of language on thought is only a component about such a complex web among language, culture and cognition. However, in essence, it leaves out the cultural pattern. Without language, a sort level of cultural development and cultural knowledge cannot exist, and, on the other hand, a high level of linguistic development could only exist through socio-cultural interaction. According to Flyht (2007), it is extremely evident that language reinforces cultural patterns through semantics whereas new meanings from new words are established by events which happen to people’s lives according to their cultural occurrence. The aim of this essay is to discuss the connection between linguistic determinism and the support of the semantic studies in order to understand words and sentences produced in human mind when the cultural and social pattern it is taken into account. Yet â€Å"knowledge an individual speaker of a language possesses which makes it possible for them to communicate with one another.†(Riemer, 2010: 13). Semantics is a theory of languages, natural or artificial, and it is part of gra... ...theory of substantive universals not only with regard to universal phonetic but also by fixed categories (noun, verb, etc..), which are the underlying syntactic structure of language. The words and grammatical structures of a language have a profound effect on how speakers think, even when they are not talking and listening. The essence of thinking consists of real words and phrases, so people do not have to conceive a concept which does not exist in their language. Also, if two people speak languages that differ in the concepts that they are able to express, their beliefs are irreconcilable and communication between them is impossible. The Semantics proposes that the meanings of words are mentally represented in the form of expressions. The meanings of words can vary between languages because children adjust and organise them from the most elementary concepts.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Economics of Education Essay
This project, critically reviews the sources of revenue at Kinondoni Municipal along with the budgetary allocation to secondary educational sector. It provides the major sources of revenue which include Central Government revenue, Basket fund (Donors) and Local government revenue which constitute revenue from city service levy, property tax, advertising and bill boarding fees, compensation revenue, and cost sharing. It identifies that education is the priorities to which the council does consider much in allocating their funds. The project reveals the background on the system of financing education as an essential and critical kind of investment in developing countries particularly Tanzania. It has shown its significances with respect to running the system (government) in general. The significances give the stand to which the Government should take into consideration on allocating funds in secondary educational department. More over the project has identified the objectives for analyzing the sources of revenue and educational budgetary allocation. These objectives have been stated in such a way that, it shows the directory as guidelines for reaching targeted goal(s) for sustainable development. Nevertheless, case study method and documentary review as well as interview techniques were employed. The data have been analyzed using tables and figures. 1.0. Introduction and Background. Kinondoni Municipal is located in Dar es Salaam City in Tanzania. It is bordered by Indian Ocean to North East, Ilala Municipal to the South, Bagamoyo District to the North, Kibaha District to the West and Kisarawe District to the South West. The Municipal has number of matters and services to be done/ provided to the community. Among others being education, health services, road construction and maintenances, water services, urban agriculture, power and energy supply and others of alike. All these services need money to run in effective way so that, the community members could appreciate the concern of the government for their well-being. The Municipal has vision and Mission which the study was interested with, to check out whether are just worded or are real in practical terms. The study eyed particularly to its Mission statement â€Å"Provision of quality services to the community through effective and efficient use of resources, capacity building, good governance and rule of law hence improve the living standard of people†. The project (study) was done at this Municipal to identify the sources of revenue for the Municipal to curter and serve the community effectively and efficiently. Another purpose was to check out, how the Municipal allocate its funds (Revenue) to secondary educational sector. A source of revenue is a critical problem in running several activities to an individual, family, community and national level respectively. Moreover, despite the scarcity of fund (resources) in servicing the community, there is a problem on proper plans and allocating the present resources in optimal manner. Thus, the wise decisions on how to use the present resources in its scarcity is very important particularly for developing countries like Tanzania. Another aspect towards this study (project) was to determine the way the sources of revenue are collected. On this activity, it is the point at which monitoring of revenue collection should be taken into consideration for effective performance. Furthermore, this exercise needs humanitarian aspiration than personal essence so that, the fruits will be for the community as large. There are two significances of doing this project. First was to determine the sources of revenue to the Municipal in order to understand the position of Municipal and the Government in general in its strengths and weaknesses so as to address recommendations to be taken for better performance in future. Second was to assess the allocation of the funds in secondary educational sector. From this, allocation of fund will realize the choices for most of the councils in Tanzania and the way investment aspects are taken into account especially educational investment, hence improvements to be made in a long run. The objectives of this project were as follows i) To determine the sources of revenue for Kinondoni Municipal. ii) To assess the budget allocation to Secondary educational sector in Kinondoni Municipal. The project presents various literature reviews in respective to the study (project). The literature review is mostly on sources of revenue, financing systems, administration, roles of the state and recommended suggestions. Galabawa (1985, p. 1) claimed that, â€Å"Tanzania’s plan for extending educational opportunities and improving the quality of education are often hampered by the limited resources to educational industry†. This realizes that, the problem resources in provision of education in Tanzania is a problem that exists and needs a solution on how to go about in order to reduce the burden from the government to ensure more educational opportunities and improve the quality of education. More emphasis on quality of education has been described by Michaelowa. The author tried to identify the areas which need to be checked to ensure that are taken into considerations for the consequences in anyhow. The author argued that, â€Å"The number of days teachers are absent from school (ABSENCE), and teachers’ self reported job satisfaction (MOTIVATION) have significant coefficients of the expected negative and positive sign respectively†(Michaelowa, 2001, p. 1707). If the education industry is running short of resources to improve access and quality of education, and if the responsible persons needs to be motivated for effective teaching, means this industry need to be financed. The financing can be determined by number of factors as quoted from the article that, â€Å"The policies of financing education in any country reflect the country’s ideology. Although Tanzania’s education policies emphasized quality of opportunity and access, they also vary from environment prevailing at specific time†(Galabawa, 1994, p. 37) This literature review has contributed much on this project since objectives stated can be revealed particularly on sources of revenue. According to Galabawa (2007, p. 3), There are various sources of education revenue. These sources can be divided into four broad categories: Fiscal sources; ser charges including various forms of cost recovery and cost sharing; student loan when constituted as a revolving fund which generates income out of which loans are offered to students and various forms of community contributions. The fiscal sources include general taxes; earmarked taxes; taxes on With regards to education as an investment, and sources of educational revenue, the government has to play its role for sustainable development Galabawa (2007, p. 2) portrayed that, â€Å"The price of education can, therefore be influenced by the government decision which impinge on issues of supply of education services; the allocation and distribution of resources between different levels or different courses; the choice between different methods of financing education and student support or even between different methods of schooling†. Therefore, this clarifies the position of the Government in provision of education in the country to assure access and proper allocation of funds in different sectors. Property; salaries and sales; and different types of levies. For all matters being discussed concerning sources of revenue, educational revenue, budgetary allocation and the role of the government on educational investments and other sector, to have sustainable implementation of plans and to build capacity on fund management, accountability, effective audit and formula funding to generate consistent and reliable disbursements†should be taken into consideration for sustainable development. Besides literature review, case study was employed during the project. The study was done in Kinondoni Municipal. Therefore purposeful sampling technique was used. The project had two variables namely, dependent variable which is budget allocation, and independent variable which is source of revenue. With these variables the hypotheses of this project were as follows; (i) There is a significant relationship between sources of revenue and budget allocation in secondary educational sector (Alternative hypothesis). (ii) There are no basic criteria guiding for sources of revenue and budget allocation in secondary educational sector (Null hypothesis). Field visit, discussion and interview. The list of tools used to collect information and guide the field interview and discussion were documentary review and Interview. The targeted personnel were Municipal economist and district secondary educational officer; these were obtained using purposeful sampling in order to get correct information. The documentary review involved reviewing various documents concerning sources of revenue and general allocation (budget) of the fund to secondary educational sector. Also an interview was conducted in brief way with the Municipal economist and district secondary educational officer. The interview was basically on the way they get fund for running the Municipal to curter and serve the community. Moreover, the questions on what are the major criteria for allocating the fund and challenges they face on all matters concerning sources of revenue and allocation of fund in general were asked.
Monday, January 6, 2020
BSN Top 5 Reasons to Earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing 2019
Between 1980 and 2000, the percentage of Registered Nurses holding a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) rose from 22% to 32%. The number of BSN graduates continues to rise today as employers more often prefer to hire nurses with a bachelor degree. These 5 important reasons to earn a BSN are encouraging LPNs, LVNs, and RNs to head back to school. 1. BSN Graduates Enter One of the Fastest-Growing Careers in the Nation RNs are expected to have the second largest number of new job openings in the nation through the year 2018, says the Bureau of Labor Statistics. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, an aging population, more critically ill hospitalized patients, and an aging RN workforce is contributing to the increased demand for RNs. RNs with a BSN are expected to have the best opportunities in the job market. .ue7784d775cd75eb81aa6b748786ff897 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .ue7784d775cd75eb81aa6b748786ff897:active, .ue7784d775cd75eb81aa6b748786ff897:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .ue7784d775cd75eb81aa6b748786ff897 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .ue7784d775cd75eb81aa6b748786ff897 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .ue7784d775cd75eb81aa6b748786ff897 .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .ue7784d775cd75eb81aa6b748786ff897:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Decline in Applications for Online MBA Degrees. Myth or Fact2. BSN Graduates have a Wider Scope of Practice Compared to RNs with a hospital diploma or associate degree in nursing, RNs who possess a BSN have a wider scope of practice in a variety of settings. Specialized fields, such as emergency care, intensive care, diabetes education, and pediatrics require specialized knowledge that is not readily available in nursing programs below the BSN level. 3. BSN Graduates Earn a Higher Salary More education translates into higher wages and salaries. In 2000, the federal Division of Nursing found that nurses with advanced education nursing degrees earned up to $10,000 more annually than the median income for all RNs. 4. BSN Graduates have Access to Leadership and Management Opportunities BSN graduates are able to climb the career ladder much easier than their co-workers with less education. Case management, clinical leadership, and policy development positions are typically reserved for RNs who have at least a BSN. .u63fdf84fd50ba6777954ad245a569fc3 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u63fdf84fd50ba6777954ad245a569fc3:active, .u63fdf84fd50ba6777954ad245a569fc3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u63fdf84fd50ba6777954ad245a569fc3 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u63fdf84fd50ba6777954ad245a569fc3 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u63fdf84fd50ba6777954ad245a569fc3 .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u63fdf84fd50ba6777954ad245a569fc3:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Earn an Accounting Degree Online5. BSN Graduates Experience High Levels of Career Purpose and Satisfaction Many nurses cite important factors that contribute to their high level of career satisfaction. A 2017 Nurse Worklife Satisfaction Survey revealed appreciation by patients and an atmosphere of teamwork as positive contributions to RNs who wish to continue in their current profession. Prospective BSN students may visit, the leading education and career resource website for a complete list of bachelor of science in nursing programs. Students will also find links to informative articles for making education and career decisions in the field of nursing. 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