Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Technology in classrooms Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Technology in classrooms - Research Paper Example Nevertheless, there has been a challenge in trying to get teachers to be comfortable and secure with their technology skills. This is particularly common with practical subjects such as social studies where technology applications would be used for tutoring purposes (Shriner et al., 2010). There has been a categorization of issues, which influence integration of technology into classrooms; they are curricular, social, environmental and personal aspects; moreover, environmental aspects refer to elements such as administrative support by the school, hardware and software. The social aspect focuses on the significance of communities, to support technology in classrooms. The personal aspect relates to the individual viewpoint on technology by teachers and their willingness to adapt it. Lastly, curricular aspects relate to use of technology in specific tutorial settings. That is, how the learning materials are linked with the course plans (Lih-Juan, 2007). It is widely agreeable among dif ferent social communities and educators that educational practices need to prepare students to flourish in the dynamic technological world, as it has gained acceptance. Hence, teachers are required to embrace technology and be willing to familiarize themselves with it. This will not only boost their confidence but also improve their teaching experiences as when applied effectively, technology enhances student learning, promotes shared learning and motivates them to seek more knowledge outside the classroom (Hubbel et al., 2012). In a bid to encourage teachers to familiarize themselves with technology advances in the classroom, various learning institutions have asked teachers to view them as a means of further developing themselves professionally; thus, this will advance their skills and knowledge. On the other hand, the learning institutions need to avail the necessary technologies to the teachers and ensure they are up-to-date whilst making their teaching schedules flexible enough for them to take the time to learn (Lih-Juan, 2007). Teaching tools that have come up due to advances in technology As aforementioned, there are the basic teaching tools that have been incorporated: the internet, LCD projectors, smart boards, document cameras and digital cameras. The internet is obviously the most widely used; teachers use it to access Web-based resources. The others offer visual assistance in the classrooms, which is the key in deepening understanding. The LCD projector is mounted in classrooms, for teachers to deliver Power Point presentations, share videos and other activities; moreover, it allows information from a single computer to be usable in a large group setting. Over time, this has proven to be the method that makes students of this generation responsive. The document camera has replaced the old overhead projectors and works hand in hand with the LCD projector. It enables teachers to magnify images and texts from diagrams, charts and textbooks for a bett er view by the students. The smart board enables charts, templates and diagrams to be rearranged, students can participate actively in the lesson and at the end, and it can be printed out as handouts for them. It requires lengthy training to use effectively but because of the eagerness it builds in students, teachers are
Monday, October 28, 2019
Googles Mission and Values, an Analysis Essay Example for Free
Googles Mission and Values, an Analysis Essay Google is a 21st century company even though it was founded in 1998 with a simple mission statement; Google’s mission is to organize the world‘s information and make it universally accessible and useful (Google Inc, Quick Profile, 2010,  ¶ 1). Google has one vision: to accomplish it mission by providing the best web based services to its end users. According to the Google on its corporate website, there are ten things they (Google) know to be true that are the keys to their success (Google Inc, Our Philosophy, 2010,  ¶ 4-17) 1.Focus on the user and all else will follow 2.Its the best to do one thing really, really well. 3.Fast is better than slow. 4.Democracy on the web works. 5.You dont need to be at your desk to need an answer. 6.You can make money without doing evil. 7.Theres always more information out there. 8.The need for information crosses all borders. 9.You can be serious without a suit. 10.Great just isnt good enough. What does all this mean in relation to the espoused values and vision of the company? This question requires a closer look. History What a grand endeavor founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin undertook when they founded Google. Googles mission statement seems almost untenable. Both the founders are brilliant engineers and in light of the advancement of technology and their pension for understanding algorithmic math, they built the first Google search engine. Little did they know how the grand ideals encapsulated in Googles mission statement could really change the face of the world in which we live, based on the computer coding to search the web more efficiently, but how did that happen? Before Google, from 1994 to 1997 web search was hit or miss using such services as MOSAIC, Wandex, Webcrawler, Infoseek, Lycos, Altavista, Magellan, Excite, Inktomi, Ask Jeeves, Northern Light Snap, Yahoo, and other smaller search engines. In 1998, that changed with the Google algorithm (Viney, 2008). Once Google was unleashed into the wild of the World Wide Web, it quickly took its place at the top of the search engine services as the best. To give credence to this fact the very name of the company has become a verb. Very few that live in a wired world have not heard the phrase Google it in relation to finding an answer on the internet. Google was so far ahead of its times even James Jenny, reviewer of the book by Jeff Jarvis What would Google Do? states I realized I was reading a glimpse of the future after gaining an understanding of Googles grand goal, its mission, organizing the worlds information (Penny, 2010, pg 810). Philosophy Googles founders simply had an understanding of what could be and found a means to try to accomplish it. They idealized that the world would be a better place if everyone, yes everyone, had access to the same information. A capitalism comparison seems appropriate here since it is based on the precept that the best minds can create the best product and that product will win the market. Google did just this in its creation and it has not only revolutionized the world of internet search, it has begun to see it mission statement to fruition. In the minds of the founders, free information leads to better ideas and actions for all of humanity. Better ideas that will lead overall to a better planet lead by the best thinkers that have the most influence over the direction of industry, politics, and other world opinions, all based on the precept of an unlimited worldview of information that is unlike the education systems in place today in most classrooms. Google espouses the possibility of an education that is not myopic from the point of view of a countrys agenda as can be seen in the teaching of Tiananmen Square in China where none of the textbooks and public media will show the atrocities that happened that day in 1989 as just one example (Richelson and Evans, 1999). Analysis So how has Google fulfilled its vision, mission, and the edicts of it companys culture? The answer is not simple and it would require a PHD dissertation to delve into Googles proposed failures, but even longer, to qualify and quantify its impact of the good it has brought to the world as a whole. It does seem prudent to quickly point out a few of it missteps. A couple of examples are: 1.Google Buzz a Twitter like clone had unintentional consequences for Gmail users because it shared personal information by default with everyone in the users contact list without the consent of the Gmail user. 2.Google Wave was an attempt to redefine email. However, recently Google decided not to continue development due to lack of interest by its end users. All of this has been possible due to Google’s corporate culture that encourages its employees to communicate freely, innovate constantly, and requires that 20% of every employee’s work week be spent working on personal projects without the direction or oversight of management. Gmail came from this directly as did Buzz and Wave. Even Google’s communication with the rest of the world is open and direct. In a recent blunder by Google’s street view project, individuals’ personal information was collected by Google which in some cases included entire emails, passwords, and other data that was inadvertently broadcast by individuals’ unsecured wifi routers. In response to this Google admitted in earnest that it had done so, but that it did not mean to do it and made every attempt to correct the problem. They were up front enough that even the FTC â€Å"forgave†Google for this unintended trespass after they investigated the issue (Forbes, 201 0). Conclusion Overall Google has lived up to its mission and values, both internally and externally. It allows its employees to spread their wings, work in an open environment that promotes ingenuity, and encourages open communication. Google also communicates openly with world governments and humanity as a whole. Even in the wake of Google becoming a public company, it has not lost sight of what makes it special. Google indeed lives up to the ideals it espouses in all respects.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Vanitas :: essays research papers
Vanitas Vanitas, found in many recent pieces, is a style of painting begun in the 17th Century by Dutch artists. Artists involved in this movement include Pieter Claesz, Domenico Fetti and Bernardo Strozzi . Using still-life as their milieu, those artists and others like them provide the viewer with ideas regarding the brevity of life. The artists are giving us a taste of the swiftness with which life can fade and death overtakes us all. Some late 20th Century examples were shown recently at the Virginia Museum of Art in Richmond, Virginia. Among the artists represented in this show were Miroslaw Balka (Polish, b. 1958), Christian Boltanski (French, b. 1944), Leonardo Drew (American, b. 1961), Felix Gonzalez-Torres (American, b. Cuba, 1957- 1996), Jim Hodges (American, b. 1957), Anish Kapoor (British, b. India, 1954), and Jac Leirner (Brazilian, b. 1961). In the poem Vanitas Vanitatum by John Webster, we are given a clear view of this movement in the art world. â€Å"ALL the flowers of the spring Meet to perfume our burying†is a beautiful juxtaposition of the beauty of life and the sorrow of passing away. Actually, any definition of this term would be overshadowed by this poem, it so clearly sums up the meaning and importance behind the word Vanitas. "Vanitas still life with portrait of a young painter " by David Bailly includes such objects as dying flowers, a skull, a painting of musician, musical instruments (recorder, conductor’s baton), statuary of a young, virile man and a young child, a portrait of another young man, and a clean palette hanging on the wall. The meaning behind these articles can be manifold, depending upon one’s point of view, but I think they are all important symbols of the passing nature of vitality and life itself. The flowers, once brilliant and lovely, are now withering in their vase. Music, represented by a man playing a lute in a portrait on the wall and by numerous music related items (a recorder, a conductor’s baton) is itself transient and elusive. Obviously a skull can represent death, but it can just as easily be a reminder of what remains behind. The clean palette hanging on the wall is evocative of a clear start, a new beginning, the option available to us all t o begin again, before it’s too late! In â€Å"Wheel of Fortune†, by Audrey Flack, many objects illustrate the transient nature of this fragile life.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Internet Security Essay -- Internet Privacy Security Web Essays
Internet Security Internet Security is the most important aspect of information technology. It has been years since computer has been invented and to keep the information confidential we have to safeguard this information. The importance of integrating security measures into systems development. Every business has their own security systems to reach their goals of information security. The computer world created security systems in order to reduce risk, maintain confidentiality, ensure the reliability of data resources, and compliance with national security laws and privacy policies and laws. SECURITY STANDARDS There are several types of standards when integrating security measures into new systems. Some companies developed their own application that has their own standards; others usually follow well-established national or international standards especially if the systems they developed are to be used by government agencies or contractors. Two major standards developed by the United States government and the other by the International Standard Organization. The U.S. used of the information security standard not only for businesses but also for our homeland security. Ever since the September 11 incident we have developed a tighter security for every branch of the government. The new standard is being used most especially for our military from the Internet worldwide and others has to follow. The most important one is the issuance of immigration visas. Our land, air and water transportation has been the first one to put this into action and intelligence officer’s tract criminal ’s activities through these measures. These are the Standards from the Orange Book: Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TSE... ...rmation security but not people security. Sometimes people’s value diminished because of business. We are so lucky to have live in the United States of America knowing that our security is the first priority of our government. Through the use of information security our government was able to tract down some of the most dangerous people in the world who were also involved in the September 11 incident. We are the world’s leader in the military and democracy. To live in a secure world is to live in peace! Reference: Management Information Systems, Third Edition Effy Oz,
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Main objectives of PPC in inventories
The addition of inventory degree may ensue in addition of client demand although the keeping costs are frequently at really high degree the sum and cost non estimated at minimal degree. Concentrating on the minimum cost as a consequence cause neglecting to provide the client demand and its effect is loss for the company. Production is the driving force to which most other maps reacts in any fabrication activity. Particularly with stock lists as it exists because of the demands of production. Like all other fabrication controls, is to lend to the net incomes of the endeavor it is besides ultimate aim of production planning and control. Customers are satisfied through the meeting of bringing agendas and it establishes inventory direction and control. The purposes of production planning and control are to set up paths and agendas for work that will guarantee the optimal use of stuffs, workers, and machines and to supply the agencies for guaranting the operation of the works in conformity with these programs. In production planning and control, the four basic stages of control easy identified. The program for the processing of stuffs through the works established through the maps of procedure planning, burden, and scheduling. The map of despatching puts the program into consequence ; that is, operations started in conformity with the works. Actual public presentation compared to the planned public presentation and action taken when needed restorative. In some instances, re-planning is necessary to guarantee the effectual use of the fabrication installations and forces. Procedure Planning ( Routing ) is the finding of where each operation on a component portion, subassembly, or assembly is to be performed consequences in a path for the motion of a fabrication batch through the mill. Prior finding of these paths is the occupation of the fabrication technology map. Loading is one time the path has been established, the work required can be loaded against the selected machine or workstation. The entire clip required to execute the operation is computed by multiplying the unit operation times given on the standard procedure sheet by the figure of parts to be processed. This entire clip is so added to the work already planned for the workstation. This is the map of burden, and it consequences in a tabulated list or chart demoing the planned use of the machines or workstations in the works. Scheduling is the last of the planning maps. It determines when an operation is to be performed, or when work is to be completed ; the difference lies in the item of the scheduling process. In a centralised control state of affairs – where all procedure planning, burden, and scheduling for the works are done in a cardinal office- the inside informations of the agenda may stipulate the starting and finishing clip for an operation. On the other manus, the cardinal agenda may merely give a completion clip for the work in a given section. Uniting Functions is itself a full procedure. While it is easy to specify â€Å" where †as procedure planning, â€Å" how much work †as burden, and â€Å" when as programming, in existent operations these three maps are frequently combined and performed at the same time. How far in progress paths, tonss, and agendas should be established ever presents an interesting job. Obviously, it is desirable that a lower limit of alterations be made after agendas are established. This nonsubjective can be approached if the sum of work scheduled for the mill or section is equal to or somewhat greater than the fabrication rhythm. For optimal control, it should ne'er be less than the fabrication rhythm. Authorizing the start of an operation on the store floor is the map of despatching. This map may be centralized or decentralized. Again utilizing our machine-shop illustration, the departmental starter would authorise the start of each of the three machine operations – three despatch actions based on the chief ‘s routing and programming of the work through his section. This is de-centralized dispatching. In the fabrication activity of a works is said to be â€Å" in control †when the existent public presentation is within the aims of the planned public presentation. When occupations started and completed on agenda, there should be really small, if any, concern about the meeting of committednesss. Optimum operation of the works, nevertheless attained merely if the original program has been carefully prepared to use the fabrication installations to the full and efficaciously. Corrective action is the anchor of any production planning and control activity. A works in which all fabrication activity runs on agenda in all chance non being scheduled to its optimal productive capacity. With an optimal agenda, fabrication holds are the regulation, non the exclusion. Re-planning non a disciplinary action, it revises paths, tonss, and agendas ; a new program is developed. In fabrication, this is frequently required. Changes in market conditions, fabricating methods, or many other factors impacting the works will frequently bespeak that a new fabrication program needed. Factors impacting production planning and control affects the application of production planning and control to fabrication are the same as the factors we have already discussed that affect stock list direction and control. The complexness of the merchandise that is of import, non what the merchandise is, except as this may in bend relate to the market served. Production control processs are much more complex and affect many more records in the industry of big steam turbine generator sets or engines to client orders so in the production of big measures of a standard merchandise affecting merely a few constituent parts, such as electric covers, steam chainss, or similar little contraptions. Type of fabrication is likely the most influential factor in the control state of affairs. For a big uninterrupted fabrication works bring forthing a standard merchandise, we have already indicated that the routing was included in the planning of the works layout. Though no production control map eliminated, the least control that consequences in effectual operation of the mill is the best control. It must retrieve that production planning and control systems should be tools of direction. The aim is non an elaborate and elaborate system of controls and records, but instead, the optimal operation of the works for maximal net incomes. Production planning and control systems accent on the control of work-in-process, the system will in consequence tie together all old records and signifiers developed in all planning for the industry of the merchandise. Value to production planning and control is that it will bespeak future tendencies in demand for manufactured merchandise. Work shift policies, plans for an addition or lessening in fabrication activity, or possible works enlargements may frequently based upon the market prognosiss, in bend affect the planning of the production planning, and control group. Blueprints and measures of stuffs used by production planning and control when they become a component portion of the packaged instructions issued to the store through the control office. One good planning process is to roll up all necessary informations for a store order in a individual bundle the standard procedure sheet, the design, the measure of stuff ( if an assembly operation is involved ) , the path sheet, and perchance the agenda for the production of the order. The store order, the standard procedure sheet, and the path sheet are frequently one piece of paper- normally called the store order or the fabrication order. Load charts are prepared to demo the productive capacity that has been â€Å" sold †and at the same clip the available productive capacity. These charts may be prepared for each workstation or machine in the works, or they may be for groups of machines or sections. Job tickets authorize the public presentation of single operations in the fabrication procedure. There is no individual form for the organisation of the production planning and control activity. In many little workss, the routing, burden, and scheduling maps may good be included in the responsibilities of the operating line ; the store director, superintended, and supervisors. However, it is hard to unite daily work with equal planning, and as a consequence it is frequently more executable to interrupt away the production planning and control maps and delegate them to qualified specializers. These groups should form as staff subdivisions usually describing to the top fabrication executive. Centralized PPC depends upon the design of the production planning and control system. In a wholly centralised apparatus, finding of transportation promises, analysis of gross revenues, stock, and store orders, readying of paths, burden charts, and agenda charts, and dispatching of work to the store complete with occupation tickets and all other necessary paper would be accomplished by a cardinal production planning and control unit. In add-on, as work is completed, a careful analysis of the existent public presentation would do, and if disciplinary action were required, this group would originate it. In decentralized PPC the program must develop into a elaborate program on the store floor. Some companies are now endeavoring to do each supervisor a director of his ain departmental operation. In these instances, the supervisor furnished with a complete staff for the production planning and control of the activities in the section. Planing Phase indicates some inside informations of the responsibilities involved in the production-planning stage. Working from the basic informations mentioned earlier, the forces in this portion of the activity paths and burden and agenda charts. In Control Phase completed occupation ticket, or its tantamount, is the key to this stage of the production planning and control system. It means of describing from the store floor that indicates that a occupation is completed or if day-to-day occupation tickets turned in, the day-to-day advancement of a occupation can be determined. Good relationships with other maps all the other maps in the endeavor are indispensable to effectual production planning and control. Full cooperation with the selling group is necessary, peculiarly in position of the importance of market conditions and the good will of clients. Both merchandise technology and procedure technology must maintain production planning and control informed as to their programs to avoid the industry of goods either to incorrect specifications or by an improper method. The cost of the control system in relation to the value of goods shipped is another possibility. Again, nevertheless, this may non be sound: if markets slump, a bad ratio will develop. Many good production planning and control systems have discontinued because of â€Å" high costs †under these conditions- and have ne'er revived after concern lookout up. In a survey of benefits and costs of computerized production planning and control systems, Schroeder et Al. name the undermentioned public presentation standards by which production planning and control systems might judge: Inventory turnover Delivery lead-time Percentage of clip meeting bringing promises Percentage of orders necessitating â€Å" splits †because of unavailable stuff. Number of expeditors Average unit cost. The research subject is Production Planning and Control ( PPC ) with particular accents on Performance Measurement ( PM ) . Proper planning in all countries for any industry like Site Selection, Building, Machinery, Transportation, Availability of Materials, Procurement of Materials, Production, Quality Control, Yield, Efficacy, Performance are the basic entities for endurance and growing. The cardinal axes of all such activities, we capable of reasoning that Production Planning & A ; Control and Performance Measurement is the cardinal axes for all such planning procedures. Bird oculus position of industrial units in under developed states shows a image of less efficiency and output. They have machinery for production, inexpensive labor, and handiness of inexpensive natural stuffs. However, no good output and efficiency attained. This is merely because there is no proper consideration on Production Planning & A ; Control and Performance Measurement if they focus on, Site Choice Building Machinery Transportation system Handiness of Materials Procurement of Materials Production Quality Control Output Efficacy Performance of both machine and working force This research work analyzed the assorted factors, which are important for planing the production planning and control cheque, listed out the factors act uponing the pick of production procedure. It besides explained the design of production system and fabrication procedure establishes the basic grounds and causes those effects of PPC and PM in industrial sector. It described the benefits, which a little enterpriser can harvest by holding decently designed production planning, and control system. More over it established the relationship between PPC and PM. Precise aims of production planning and control are to establish paths and program for work that will do certain the optimal disbursement of stuffs, workers, and machines and to supply the agencies for guaranting the operation of the works in harmoniousness with these programs. The factors that influence the application of production planning and control to fabrication are the same as the factors that affect stock list direction and control. Equally for as the public presentation measuring concerned in an administration there is a mechanism to pull off and command the public presentation, measuring called public presentation measuring system ( PMS ) . The administrations that use PMS as the footing for its operations and development, the wellness of the administration depends on the effectivity of the production direction system. Performance is a complex undertaking that spans the whole administration for procedure of reexamining. Involving the appropriate individuals to pass sufficient clip to reexamine the production direction system is a dearly-won exercising. However, it is really of import to the uninterrupted accommodation of the concern and its public presentation orientation in today ‘s markets. A good production direction system, reappraisal procedure, seeks the right balance between the administration benefits and the attempts required. The public presentation measuring system for any industry in under developed states requires developing and reexamining at a figure of different degrees as the state of affairs alterations. The public presentation measuring system should include an effectual mechanism for reexamining and revising marks and criterions. The public presentation measuring system should include a procedure for developing single steps as public presentation and fortunes alteration. The public presentation measuring system should include a procedure for sporadically reexamining and revising the complete set of steps in usage. This should make to co-occur with alterations in either the competitory environment or strategic way. The public presentation measuring system should used to dispute the strategic premises. It besides found out that the procedure squad is normally responsible for reappraisal the consequences and study to the procedure proprietor. The reappraisal trades largely with operational indexs. Although the consequences of the reappraisals reported to the procedure proprietor, in order to work out possible jobs or better procedures, the model extremely encourages the coaction between different procedure proprietors. At this degree, the procedure proprietor can amend operational indexs, guaranting their alliance to strategic indexs. Any alterations, even minor, will alter the system ( impact on the PM system design ) and later the execution process in footings of informations aggregation, IT considerations ( if any ) , describing and so on ( impact on execution ) . This attack, Specify the frequence, format, and duty. The frequence of reappraisal, format in which informations are gathered and individual ( s ) who is/are responsible for this identified Monitor and command the procedure. Once the needed information gathered, it monitored in a manner demoing whether the procedure is under control and traveling towards the marks set for the indexs. If any accommodations are required, the attacks defined in the following stairss will be helpful. In this attack, one needs to name the most critical facets of the job and to find the root causes of the job. Once the root causes of the jobs identified, redresss should be proposed and implemented. Following that, it must guarantee that the solutions are effectual and similar jobs will non make. There are figure of tools and techniques for monitoring, commanding, look intoing and job resolution. These can include, Effect diagram and cause Run chart Scatter diagram Flow chart Pareto chart Histogram Control chart There are seven direction tools identified during research work which can assist in PMS Affinity diagram Interrelationship digram Tree diagram Prioritisation grid Matrix diagram Process determination plan chart Activity web diagram In today ‘s quickly germinating and altering market place, flexibleness considered indispensable to the fight of any administration. To this terminal, it is of import that a company possesses the ability to alter its strategic orientation as times dictate. Therefore, the periodic reappraisal of its strategic indexs is important. This reappraisal will measure the overall public presentation of the administration at the strategic degree. One of the chief inputs to this reappraisal procedure is information from the operational indexs degree. This information is indispensable, if accommodations needed to the strategic index degree, since it can supply the platform for executing statistical and other relevant analyses. The chief considerations for it are: In accomplishing its strategic aims effectivity of the administration The cogency of any hypotheses sing organizational public presentation developed during the design phases of the public presentation measuring system ; The cogency of possible relationship amongst public presentation indexs The Executive Team will be in charge for this sort of reappraisal. As mentioned before, the impact of any alterations in steps should see in the PMS design and execution consequently. Due to the presence of the Executive Team, any elements of the generic PMS design attack can change. However, for most administrations altering the way so often seems to be improbable. Changing the organizational way can be cardinal alterations that may necessitate re-design of the system. Therefore, if the administration is making good, merely some amendments in steps and procedures might be required. During the research work, it concluded that the reappraisal of the strategic indexs might hold a diverse impact on the PMS. In the executive squad meeting ( the same squad that defines the strategic indexs ) if it becomes obvious that the administration fails to travel efficaciously towards its strategic aims so the causes should be analysed and might include: Under-performance at a lower degree Strategic aims are non communicated efficaciously Strategic aims have non been defined decently Validity/Relevance of the aims It is obvious that depending on the issue identified the class of action should be different for each single instance. The supports tools that may be used include the antecedently mentioned tools plus more specifically the followers: Swerve analysis tools a†’Control Charts Relationship analysis Tools a†’Correlation analysis, Multivariate analysis, Cause and consequence diagrams, Pareto charts Checking the consistence of the PMS communicating a†’Departmental studies and input Overall Review tends to be in an one-year footing, in which the followers considerations taken into history, The cogency of the mission and vision statements Whether the company ‘s strategic aim still back up the mission and vision of the administration There are figure of support tools used for the overall reappraisal of the PMS which are larger scale reappraisal tools that affect the overall organizational way and orientation. To this terminal they can be categorised as internal tools, i.e. tools that compare the organizational public presentation to a set criterion of practise, and external tools, i.e. tools that concentrate on comparing the organizational public presentation to rivals and good or best-practice administrations.RECCOMENDATIONSEver in production planning procedure see two chief aims To fulfilling client demand To accomplishment of the lowest cost Procedure planning ( Routing ) must be required for production planning and control Loading the work required against the selected machine or workstation Scheduling for the inventry for be aftering maps Uniting maps in a full procedure Dispatching i-e. authorising the start of an operation on the store floor should be seasonably Reporting or follow – up for all procedures, production and public presentations Corrective actions for production planning and control extremely recmended Re-planning factors for all sercomstances Issues which can impacting production planning and control Type of Merchandise Type of Manufacturing Production Planning and Control Procedures followed Production Planning and Control Systems followed Market prognosis ever checked before get downing production Gross saless order should stipulate that what has coustomer has purchased Stock order should stipulate that what has left over in stock Shop order should stipulate that what is pipe line for fabrication Standard procedure sheet generated Engineering specifications considered and maintained Route sheet ever followed Load Charts formulated Job Tickets assighned In an organisation there should be no individual form for the organisation of the production planning and control activity Centralized Production Planning and Control for certain procedures Decentralized Production Planning and Control harmonizing to state of affairs and requirments Good relationships with other maps in an organisation Measurement of effectiveness vision, mission and planning on a regular basis Site Selection should be made in conformity with handiness of natural stuffs, work force and transit Building made harmonizing to demands and forecosted upon 10 old ages future requirmants Machinery should be up dated Transportation system of stuffs and merchandises through quick services Handiness of Materials ever on a regular basis checked Procurement of Materials in conformity with order Production planning and control should be practical Quality Control is your basic undertaking Output should be checked on a regular basis Efficacy of mashines and homo maintained Performance of both machine and working force moniteredRECCOMENDATIONSThe public presentation measuring system should include an effectual mechanism for reexamining and revising marks and criterions. The public presentation measuring system should include a procedure for developing single steps as public presentation and fortunes alteration. The public presentation measuring system should include a procedure for sporadically reexamining and revising the complete set of steps in usage. This should make to co-occur with alterations in either the competitory environment or strategic way. The public presentation measuring system should used to dispute the strategic premises. There are figure of tools and techniques for monitoring, commanding, look intoing and job resolution and they be considered, Effect diagram and cause Run chart Scatter diagram Flow chart Pareto chart Histogram Control chart There are seven direction tools identified during research work, which can assist in PMS, and used by organisations / establishments for public presentation measuring. Affinity diagram Interrelationship digram Tree diagram Prioritisation grid Matrix diagram Process determination plan chart Activity web diagram In the executive squad meeting if an fails to travel efficaciously towards its strategic aims so the causes should be analysed and might include: Under-performance at a lower degree Strategic aims are non communicated efficaciously Strategic aims have non been defined decently Validity/Relevance of the aims The supports tools for the class of action should besides include, Swerve analysis tools a†’Control Charts Relationship analysis Tools a†’Correlation analysis, Multivariate analysis, Cause and consequence diagrams, Pareto charts Checking the consistence of the PMS communicating a†’Departmental studies and input Always check the cogency of the mission and vision statements and the company ‘s strategic aim still back up the mission and vision of the administration.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How to Study for the New 2016 SAT
How to Study for the New 2016 SAT SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You might have heard that College Board released a new version of the SAT in 2016. So what should you do if you want to prepare for this version of the SAT but are mainly familiar with the old version? And do you really have to throw out all of your "old SAT" study materials? We will go through the SAT section by section and note key differences between the old and new SAT. Next, we will explain how to prep for the new SAT based on those differences. We will point out places that you can still use old prep materials to prepare for the new SAT and also point you toward other free study resources online. We will also link extensively to our SAT study guides throughout this post to give you more targeted advice by section. Big Format Changes on the Redesigned 2016 SAT The SAT still has its three main sections – Reading, Writing, and Math – but the reading and writing scores are now combined for one score out of 800, rather than being scored separately. That means that the math section is now weighted more heavily on the SAT. It's now very important to get a strong math score to get a good overall composite score. Also, answers now have four choices instead of five. This doesn’t mean the test is easier – having fewer answer choices just means you’re less likely to get an answer choice that’s very easy to eliminate. If you want to read a complete breakdown of differences between the old and new SAT, check out our post on the subject. In this post, we’ll summarize important differences but focus on giving study tips. SAT Reading Study Guide Key Differences All questions on the redesigned SAT Reading section are based on passages with set topics. There are two history/social science passages, one US or world literature passage, and two science passages. On the old SAT, the questions often came from these categories but the topics were not predetermined. There is also more emphasis on defining vocabulary in context, understanding and using evidence, making logical arguments, and using scientific reasoning on the new SAT. The new SAT doesn't have vocabulary in isolation questions – more commonly known as sentence completion questions. The emphasis is now on defining vocabulary in context. New Questions There are two main types of new reading questions. Evidence Support:These questions come in sets of two. The first asks a question about the passage, and the second question asks you where in the passage you got your evidence for the first question. Via College Board's Test Specifications for the Redesigned SAT. Data Reasoning: These questions have you interpret graphs or charts and say which fact they best support or least support. You don't need to be a science or data expert to get these questions right, but you need to be able to read and interpret graphs and charts. How to Study For the old SAT, knowing vocabulary was crucial to doing well. It’s still important to know vocabulary for the redesigned SAT, but you will have context clues to help you. So in addition to studying vocabulary words, you should also practice doing advanced reading and test your ability to define tough words based on their context. Your first place to head for SAT Reading practice is the source: the College Board website. They've posteda number of free new SAT practice tests. Start there to get a sense of what the new SAT Reading section is like. Still have old SAT prep books sitting around? You can use old SAT Critical Reading questions to practice, but focus on the passage-based questionsand ignore the sentence-completion questions. ACT Reading section questions will also be helpful, as they are all passage-based and contain vocabulary in context as well as logical progression questions. Another unlikely but helpful source is ACT Science questions. Yes, science! ACT Science also has you break down charts, graphs, and evidence. If you can do well on ACT Science, you will be able to do well on the new SAT data reasoning questions. The new data reasoning questions (â€Å"this chart most supports the following argument?†) are actually phrased very similarly to the LSAT logical reasoning questions. Although the LSAT questions are trickier since you are interpreting a paragraph or argument and not a chart, if you’re worried about data reasoning, you could challenge yourself with LSAT logical reasoning questions. Check out some sample questions over the Law School Admissions Council website. In addition to studying with practice questions and sections, make an effort to read widely – think books as well as publications like The New York Times, The Economist, The New Yorker, Wired, etc. The more challenging articles you can read, the better you can become at defining new words in context, and the more prepared you’ll be for the science and social science passages in particular. Want a bit more structure for vocabulary in context? One of my favorite tools for learning vocabulary in context is a browser app called ProfessorWord. The app scans whichever page you are currently reading online and pulls out all the ACT/SAT words, with definitions. This article alone has about a dozen SAT vocabulary words, according to ProfessorWord. Pretty nifty, huh? SAT Writing Study Guide Key Differences The writing section is quite different on the new SAT. There is more emphasis on logic and expression of ideas, higher-level writing skills, and punctuation. Furthermore, all questions are passage-based – this is quite different from the old SAT, which had you correct a sentence or two in isolation. This means that there are fewer grammar rules tested in isolation, which in turn means fewer "gotcha" questions on the new SAT Writing section. However, being aware of writing style, construction, and organization is more important, since you will now be working with longer passages. How to Study It’s still important to know English grammar rules to do well on this section. Start your studying by learning English grammar rules by heart. Then give the SAT's official practice tests a try. In terms of additional practice questions, we recommend you use ACT English practice questions, as these are all passage-based, like the new SAT Writing questions are. You can also use old SAT Writing multiple-choice questions to test your grammar rule knowledge, but remember to be ready for passages. Finally, the more you read and write, the better you will get at spotting writing organization and style naturally. Make sure to read something academic or challenging every day, even if it’s just for class! New SAT Essay Study Guide Key Differences The essay score is now completely separate from the writing score. This means that, similar to the ACT, your essay score won’t affect your overall composite, but it will still be visible to colleges, so it’s as important as ever to do well. The essay is now 50 minutes long instead of 25. While you have more time to write, you have a much more specific task, so don’t assume the new essay is easier! You have to analyze how an author builds an argument in a passage (the passage will be part of the prompt). So you have to read the passage and write about it analytically during that 50-minute period. You’re no longer coming up with your own evidence with examples – this question is much more focused on your ability to deconstruct an argument and explain how it works. How To Study As we've mentioned, you should check out College Board's new SAT practice tests first to see real examples of the new SAT essay. But if you run through all of thepractice tests and want more free resources, there is another great source of practice you can use. The new SAT essay is very similar to the AP English Language and Composition Free Response question two. Via College Board's AP English Language and Composition page. If you happen to be taking AP English Language, your studying for that AP test will help you prepare for the new SAT essay. But even if you’re not taking AP English Language, you can use past free response questions for practice. Remember to find question two for each old AP English Language test. Keep in mind as you practice that your goal for the essay is to explain what the argument is and how the author argues for it. Remember not to show personal bias – this isn’t about your opinion, it’s just about how the author builds their argument. You can use a standard five-paragraph essay format if you like, but don't feel pressured to stick to it if you don't find that style helpful. Focus on making your writing clear and concise, and using evidence from the passage. Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today! SAT Math Study Guide Key Differences The math section has been changed the least for the new SAT, but there are changes you should be aware of as you start studying. There are now some multi-step problems, a section you can’t use a calculator on, a few questions on basic trigonometry, emphasis on data and graphics interpretation, solving equations, algebra, and realistic scenarios as prompts for questions. There is less geometry focused on shapes, and fewer abstract questions. How To Study This is the section that is the least dramatically changed, so the old study principles for SAT Math are still in place. First, find out your weak spots, whether they’re in content (struggling with geometry) or in practice (you tend to make small mistakes and miss problems). Next, drill your weak spots with targeted practice problems until they’re no longer liabilities. As you practice, we recommend using a notebook to keep track of the mistakes you make and why you make them. This will make it easier for you to zero in on your thought processes and figure out why you make mistakes, which will make it easier to fix them. You can use old SAT Math questions, but ACT Math practice questions will also work, especially if you’re worried about trigonometry. It’s best to study with a mix of both to be ready for the new SAT. Also, practice both with and without a calculator. You might find that you are relying on the calculator for tasks you don’t actually need it for. Remember on the SAT you should be minimizing calculator use anyway, even if you’re on a calculator-approved section. (Read a discussion about the best calculators for the SAT.) Final Advice Since the redesigned SAT is getting more similar to the ACT, you might consider riding out the change by taking the ACT instead. Its format hasn’t changed, and there are plenty of existing resources for studying for the ACT. At the very least, take an ACT practice test and see how you do. If it seems considerably more manageable for you than the SAT (based on old SAT questions), it might be worth it to just study for the ACT instead. Either way, definitely work ACT practice questions into your studying for the new SAT. The tests are getting similar, so use that fact to your advantage. If nothing else, you can save money on test prep materials! What’s Next? Read detailed breakdowns of the new SAT sections: math, critical reading, writing, and the essay. Understanding the new SAT is the first step to doing well on it. Curious about the ACT? Learn the key differences between the ACT and old SAT, and how the ACT is scored. If you’re thinking about taking the ACT instead, try taking a free practice test to see how you do. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Monday, October 21, 2019
How to Increase Stamina in Basketball with Physical Exercises Essay Example
How to Increase Stamina in Basketball with Physical Exercises Essay Example How to Increase Stamina in Basketball with Physical Exercises Paper How to Increase Stamina in Basketball with Physical Exercises Paper Basketball is a sport that needs high stamina, because basketball is a fast and energetic sport. Adrenaline is high in every game makes heart rate beating faster and only people who have high stamina that can hold out to play until the end of the game. Basketball players have to train hard to build the stamina in order to the body does not get tired quickly when playing basketball. Basketball players can do many training to improve stamina, and the best way to stamina is physical exercises. Physical exercises are very important to improve stamina of basketball players; players who never do physical exercises do not have enough stamina to play basketball until the end of the game. It is easy to improve stamina in basketball by following these three instructions, which are doing interval training, suicide training, and jumping rope. The first exercise to improve stamina for basketball players is interval training. Interval training translates into the game of basketball at times when there is fast running mixed in with jogging. Begin the exercises with warming up 5 to 10 minutes; warming up by jogging 1 to 3 laps around the court. After do warming up, start the main exercises which is interval training. Do the interval training with distance 100 meters, do sprint 50 meters, then jogging 50 meters, and walk back; or with distance 100 meters, do sprint 50 meters, then stride 50 meters, and walk back. Basketball players can manage the distance to do the interval training. After do interval training, take a short break for 15 minutes before start the next exercise. Interval training is helping to improve the stamina of basketball players and key in to reach the fullest potential as a basketball player. The next exercise is suicide training which is one of physical exercises in basketball to improve stamina and quickness to dribble of basketball players. Suicide is technical term for sprint training in basketball. After take a short rest, basketball players can continue to start the suicide training. Start suicide training from the baseline, run to the free-throw line, touch the floor and run back to the baseline. Then, run to half-court line, touch the floor and run back to the baseline. Then, go to the free-throw line opponent, touch the floor and run back. Finally, run coast-to-coast, touch the other baseline and run back. In this case do not slow down or stop running. Try this particular move for 20 minutes and then take a short break for 15 minutes to continue the next exercise. Suicide exercise is very useful to improve stamina and quickness to dribble for basketball players. The last exercise to improve stamina in basketball is doing jumping rope. Jumping rope is body exercise and it is excellent to improve stamina and footwork, especially for basketball players. After take a short break, basketball players continue jumping rope training. Firstly, choose the rope in accordance with the desired size. With rope folded in half, the rope should reach nearly to the shoulders of basketball players who would practice. Then, grab the jump rope by its ends, or the handles, one handle for each hand. Put the jump rope behind butt and let the loop hang behind crotch. Throw the jump rope over head and when it meets feet jump over it. After get better at jumping rope forwards, do the other trick of jumping rope; try to do jumping rope backwards. Start with the rope in front of feet and throw it over head to the back. Jump over the rope when it reaches the foot. Try this particular move for 15 minutes. A lot of people make mistake of bending the knees because it is easier to do the jumping rope. With doing jumping rope exercise, basketball players can build strong stamina and vertical jumping. Improving the stamina of basketball players is not difficult. By doing physical exercises such as interval training, suicide training, and jumping rope training routinely; these would make basketball players more quickly to have strong stamina. Physical training begins with warming up for 5 to 10 minutes, and then continues with the main exercises. The first is interval training which is doing by combining sprints and jogging with a distance of 100 meters or more. After do the interval training take a short break for 15 minutes. Continue with suicide exercises for 20 minutes, and then break for 15 minutes. The last exercise is jumping rope training, do jumping rope training for 15 minutes. Finish off all the exercises with flexibility exercises. In this case, the important things are managing the time for training and do the physical exercises regularly. With doing physical exercises for 1 to 2 hours each day, the stamina of basketball players can improve quickly. Bibliography 1. ehow. com/how_4830064_build-stamina-basketball. html 2. http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m1608/is_10_23/ai_n21119011/pg_2/? tag=content;col1 3. http://basket-beezer10. blogspot. com/2010_03_01_archive. html 4. ehow. com/way_5434775_stamina-building-exercises. html
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How Women Have Been Kept In Their Place †Theology Essay
How Women Have Been Kept In Their Place – Theology Essay Free Online Research Papers How Women Have Been Kept â€Å"In Their Place†Theology Essay Ever since Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise, misogyny has been a central part of all cultures. It has been argued that men used this myth to become more powerful than women, and that they have come up with other reasons to remain on top. For example, male scientists have proved that men are superior, and the Church has condemned women for witchcraft and as being â€Å"lustful allies of the Devil who wean men from God†(Kitzinger, 1). There are many more ways in which the patriarchy has kept women â€Å"in their place,†many of them cruel and some even deadly. What I will show is that these methods could not be effective unless they were supported by religion. Since humanbeings has appeared on the surface of the world, they have to worship. This is a need. As a result, religion is old as the world. Religion is very important for people, so religious objects, prophets and holy places have a big importance who believe in them. Also, statements in the holy books are very valuable. In many holy books, there are statements that make men superior against women.For instance, according to a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad states that, as he stood at the at the gate of hell, he observed that, ‘Most of those who entered there were women.’Not only in Islam,but also in Christianity these kind of statements are accustomed. Martin Luther says that, ‘If they (women) become tired or even die, that does not matter. Let them die in childbirth, that’s why they are there.’As it seen, there are many harsh words against women . Woman is the one, who gives birth to a child. She also is the one who brings up her child with her magical emotions. They are sacred creatures. Nature gives them that power. Men, who are afraid of this power, always used religion . They want to control women. In order to control women, in many societies, women is still being tortured. In that kind of societies , men want women to sit ‘in their place’. They only want them to give birth to their children and men want women to serve themselves. They also use women for their needs. Whenever they want , men can have their meal ready. If they are angry men can use women to relieve themselves. In addition to these men can have sex whenever they want. When they are acting like this woman doesn’t have a value as a human and a mother. In many societies, in order to control women, there are many traditions. For instance, in India, women are wanted to commit sati after their husband’s death. Sati is a horrible tradition. According to this tradition, if a woman’s husband die, she have to throw herself into the fire. She has to do it without thinking now that, she is taught that she is living for her husband. After her husband dies, there is no reason for her to live. This tradition reveals that society sees woman as nothing without her husband. It is a clear proof of horrible applications are being done in order to control women. In Islamic cultures, people are more connected to religion. It can be seen clearly owing to the fact that, religious rules are being used in social life. It is predictable that in these cultures, there are many strict rules to control women. Also in that kind of societies, misogyny is a big trouble. Women and men are not equal. In these conservative societies, men are claiming that they are superior than women. They say these according to Islam. Every year many women is being killed on account of the fact that, they are being seen with a man, who is not their relative. It is a big offence. Women also has to wear special clothes that cover their body, except their eyes, from the head to the wrist. If a woman shows her face from the window she also be killed. These examples are very little near the other rules. Women is being killed because of ‘not sitting in their place’. Thousands of girls and women accros the globe (mostly in the middle East) are murdered in the name of family honor. Their male relatives kill them freely and they say that it is a ‘honor killing.’ It is more saddening that men who commit the murder go unpunished or receive reduced sentences. Women are taking many punishments all over the globe mostly in the conservative societies, whereas men can live freely. This is revealing many facts about controlling of the women. It is obvious that, women and men not have equal rights.In an article published Friday 27 August 2004 in the Germany-based internet newspaper Iran Emrooz, Dr. Hoseyn Baqer Zadeh, an Iranian human rights activist, observed that the laws of the Islamic Republic are the ‘most inhuman, segregationist, insulting and discriminatory’ against women.’While, according to Islam-based laws, a woman accused of adultery faces capital punishment, a man can have several wives and commits adultery wtihout punishment’, he observed. Dr. Hoseyn Baqer Zadeh’s statements, reveal the unequality more clear. Another dreadful tradition is the female circumcision. This tradition is widespread in Egypt and most of the Islamic countries. The operation is very painful. Also, there is a high probability of infection after circumcision. By this meaningless operation, women’s sex life is dead. The aim is to prevent premarital sex. This horrible tradition is the another evidence of men’s want of controlling women. Dr. Mawaheb Mouelhy, who has been fighting to stop ‘female genital mutilation’ states that, ‘Religion is not the number one reason.’ Despite this statement, some people think that, this tradition has a religious backround. This taught make it easy to use religion for controlling women. It is obvious that most of the terrorists has come from conservative societies. Misogyny is widespread in conservative cultures. Mohammed Atta, the terrorist involved in the September 11 crime against humanity, left behind a surprising will. He sternly warned against women being present at his funeral or at his grave at any later date. This want of Mohammed Atta reveals his misogynist culture more clearly. In misogynist cultures, women means devil. Imam Ibn al-Jawzi taught that female beauty was a manifestation of the devil himself. In his text ‘Dhamm alhawa’, he wrote that the ‘beauty of women is one of the poisoned arrows of the devil’. It is no wonder , therefore, why Islam teaches that hell is largely populated by women. In the roots of misogyny, there is a fear of men from women. Men are afraid of women to have a social life. To sum up,it is being tought that men are using the myth of Adam and Eve to be superior against women. They think that they have to prevent women to join social life. It is being argued that, men doesn’t want women because of the fear of losing their places on top. Men want women to stay at ‘their places’. They want to use them as machines, only for providing their needs and wants. To have what they want, men always used religion.Also,men are effected by religion. Religion have a big role in people’s life because of this men’s methods ,to be superior, has become more effective. It is clearly seen that, tortures to women, will go on till men give up the want of being superior. Religions will always exist. If men continue wanting to be on top, women will sit ‘in their places’ till the end of the time. It is all about men. Research Papers on How Women Have Been Kept â€Å"In Their Place†- Theology EssayThe Fifth HorsemanPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm X19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraResearch Process Part OneMind TravelRelationship between Media Coverage and Social and
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Should America as a country promote the use of a single language Essay
Should America as a country promote the use of a single language - Essay Example We can think of America as a colorful bride having colors and feelings of internal emotions, internal true love and adorance as America is a dreamland of all the cultures presenting multiple linguistics. It is rather to be found in the extent of the power of a language that power is lies in the numbers of speakers, which is directly bound to the power of the literary language by which means a language is able to extend its influence over large territories and to get more speakers, in ever-widening circles, until, of course, the language becomes a world language. The use of multiple languages should be promoted in American society because there is a need for the society to think about those criteria in which people from all over the world along with different colors of racial and cultural freedom bring with them their feelings to be communicated in their own language so that they think of America a
Friday, October 18, 2019
Argumentation Based on Marx's Communist Manifesto Essay
Argumentation Based on Marx's Communist Manifesto - Essay Example Modern industrial society is typified by class struggle between those who own the factors of production and proletariat. However, the influence of capitalism has been on the decline and is ceasing to be compatible with this exploitive relationship. Therefore, those who provide labor will lead to a revolution. This revolution will be different from the previous one. This is because in this revolution the proletariat will have to destroy all ownership of private property. In turn, this will lead to a complete overhaul of the classes eventually disappearing. The manifesto argument is that this development is unstoppable, and capitalism will inherently collapse. As a result, the communist engages in promoting revolution, and this will ensure that those involved are able to move history towards its natural conclusion. They concur that the elimination of social classes cannot take through reforms or changes in government. They know that such fundamental changes can only take place through a revolution. The Communist Manifesto was a plan by Marx and Friedrich Engels. They argue that for changes to take place in both society and political institutions it must be driven by a process of universal struggle on parts of groups of people with similar economic fate in order to realize their material or economic interests (Marx-Engels Archive 1). These struggles as shown in the history have been struggles of economically inferior classes against economically dominant classes who are against their economic interests (Marx-Engels Archive 1). This process has shaped the currently industrialized world: the bourgeoisie in its struggle against the aristocratic class of feudal society (Marx-Engels Archive 1). This has been heightened through travel to different parts of the world, and the discovery of new products and goods that created rooms for commercial activities. This is because the bourgeoisie whose purpose is to accumulate managed to grow wealthier and became politically embo ldened against the feudal order. In fact, the bourgeoisie has uplifted their authority to a stable entity in the society and drives various sector of the economy in pursuit of their interests. The interest of accumulation by the merchants has assured them to overcome the globe. They have forced almost all to adopt the capitalist mode of production. On the other hand, the bourgeois has fundamentally altered all aspects of the society, even the families and hence substituted rural civilization with enormous cities. Through industrialization, the means of production and exchange that drives this process of expansion and change have resulted in a subordinate class whose fate is determined by the bourgeoisie (Marx-Engels Archive 1). This class is the proletariat, and they have been uprooted by capitalism and hence are forced to sell labor to the bourgeoisie. This offends them as they remember how before they possessed and sold what they produced (Marx-Engels Archive 1). They face exploit ation and are forced to compete with one another for forever-shrinking wages as a means of production becomes more complicated. However, the workers will become enlightened and unite to fight their common enemy: the bourgeoisie. Furthermore, they will cooperate with an increasing number of the middle class whose source of livelihoods keep on dwindling due to large factories owned by a shrinking number of superrich industries (Marx-Engels Archive 1). The bourgeoisie will eventually be the author of their own downfall.Â
Ismg 11 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ismg 11 - Essay Example Laptops or PCs and other technology equipments are among some of the most frequently stolen company items. However, installing locks, which tether them to desks, can decrease the likelihood of stealing. Finally, IVK could imprint metal tags with company information on the equipments. Tying to remove these metal equipments will harm of spoil the equipments, and hence, people will not steal the equipments. According to Barton, exposing too much information of their IT Company to regular customers is both an advantage and a disadvantage to them. It is an advantage in the sense that exposing information to customers will likely improve the proceeding of their company (Austin, Nolan and ODonnell 182). For instance, using websites to expose a company’s information will likely attract more clients than companies that do not use the internet to advertise themselves. However, giving out too much information might also attract hackers to the company. This makes the company extremely vulnerable (Austin, Nolan and ODonnell 182). Hackers are able to note weak points of a company’s information system using the slightest information they can get. Therefore, what to disclose to regular clients is only the information that regards them, which will not enable them to exploit the company. Barton still has his job because of the admiration he receives from the Board of Directors (Austin, Nolan and ODonnell 184). According to the board, even though Barton is not acting as fast as they expected, he still brings in innovations to the company that no other CIO has ever done. Barton, at every board meeting, has been able to capture the attention of the key leaders who always seek for his advice. Barton’s boss, Williams, always asks Barton to advice him whenever he wants to incorporate something new in the company (Austin, Nolan and ODonnell 184). According to Williams, Barton was extremely talented in his job. Therefore, losing such a person
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Case Sharp Printing, AG Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Case Sharp Printing, AG - Assignment Example In addition, I would prolong the project in order to give room for all people involved in the project implementation to make rational decisions regarding the cost of the project and how long it should take. More so, there is the need to plan and prepare for trade-offs concerning the laid down priorities of developing a laser-printing machine at a low price. As a project manager, I would present additional or extra revenues to be expected from implementing the project on projected time. The macro estimates may be off because the project is done when cost and time estimates are an issue. Everybody is not agreeing with the cost and time estimate provided by the project manager. The micro estimate can be trusted if the goal is to make the top management to focus away cost overrun to the predicted profits and the benefits of the product. Further, the micro estimates in such a project enhances cost and time estimate accurately than the macro estimates that has proven to be tough and inconsistent when making time and cost
Expert Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Expert Systems - Essay Example As its name indicates, expert systems are used to perform specific tasks which involve the knowledge and skills of experts. At the present, expert systems have become very important for the majority of business organizations. In fact, they are currently being used in every walk of business organization. Expert systems are used to perform different operations in different organizations. This paper presents a detailed analysis of expert systems. This paper discusses the advantages, disadvantages and evolution of expert systems. This paper also discusses the examples of earlier and latest expert systems. Definition and Description of an Expert system Although Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been around for more than fifty years, it has been just recently that a lot of organizations all over the world are beginning to utilize AI based tools and applications to help them become more competitive in the ever-increasing competitive world. In the past few years, AI has been rapidly turning i nto an imperative technology and there is at this time an explosion of interest centering on this field. In fact, both industries and educational institutes are assigning more resources than ever before to AI. Basically, the artificial intelligence is a wide-ranging trend and it consists of a lot of sub domains such as game-playing systems, vision systems, computer-aided instruction, natural language translation, voice synthesis and recognition, robotics, and expert systems. Expert systems are possibly the fastest progressing sub domain of AI (Schon & Helferich, 1989). Expert systems are acknowledged as a significant subject of artificial intelligence. Basically, an expert system offers a method to collect and transform the knowledge of experts. The expert system consists of computer programs that try to be like the way people think. The history of expert systems can be traced back to over twenty years ago in the labs of Stanford University where it was first used to help make a dia gnosis of infectious blood diseases. In fact, since that time expert systems have been using into almost every walk of life that involves human knowledge and judgment. In addition, the expert systems are normally based on three most important elements: the clarification generator and user interface, the inference engine, and the knowledge base. Additionally, in the beginning while using expert systems at Stanford, the knowledge base encompassed medical "rules" to demonstrate IF-THEN conditions and statements with a related confidence factor. The example of this rule can be like this, IF the patient is diagnosed with symptom A AND symptom B THEN the result/disease is X, and confidence is Y%. If the patient is diagnosed with symptom C, then this rule would not even be applicable. Moreover, the decision regarding the selection of the rules is made automatically by the inference engine (MoreBusiness, 1998). In simple words, â€Å"an expert system is an information system that collects and stores the expertise of human experts and then reproduces
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Case Sharp Printing, AG Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Case Sharp Printing, AG - Assignment Example In addition, I would prolong the project in order to give room for all people involved in the project implementation to make rational decisions regarding the cost of the project and how long it should take. More so, there is the need to plan and prepare for trade-offs concerning the laid down priorities of developing a laser-printing machine at a low price. As a project manager, I would present additional or extra revenues to be expected from implementing the project on projected time. The macro estimates may be off because the project is done when cost and time estimates are an issue. Everybody is not agreeing with the cost and time estimate provided by the project manager. The micro estimate can be trusted if the goal is to make the top management to focus away cost overrun to the predicted profits and the benefits of the product. Further, the micro estimates in such a project enhances cost and time estimate accurately than the macro estimates that has proven to be tough and inconsistent when making time and cost
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Marketing Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Marketing Plan - Research Paper Example However, it is evident that a number of challenges have engulfed the company within its marketing and human resource sectors, which are threatening its survival in the dynamic business market. From this point of view, the company has a challenge to re-launch its organizational strategies to ensure that the company survives in the competitive telecommunication market. Organizational marketing is an important business strategy as it defines the mechanics that an organization deploys to attract the customers to buy their products. For brand managers, marketing ensures that company sales remain high and that the customer population increases every time (Lamb, Hair and McDaniel 11). In the contemporary business environment, competition is inevitable and companies are always struggling to reach out to as many customers as possible. The changes in market trends have made issues of marketing more complex and demands new approaches of marketing. From a critical point of view, it is evident that new approaches of marketing are slowly pushing away the traditional marketing approaches, putting marketing managers at their toes to adapt to these changes. The telecommunication company has become one of the most dynamic markets due to rapid changes in information technology making it a necessity for service providers to be flexible and agile in responding to ma rket issues. The purpose of this essay is to design an efficient marketing plan for Sprint Corporation. Assuming the role of a brand manager, I will develop a strong marketing strategy that Sprint to ensure that the organization remains profitable by attracting even more customers to buy its products and services. The success of any organizational function depends on the type of leadership that the organization deploys within the business structure. For an organization to survive, it must be able
Probation and Life in Prison Essay Example for Free
Probation and Life in Prison Essay Probation In the early days of our country, severe punishments were often meted out with little regard to the seriousness of the offense. There was no such thing as being sentenced to probation in the 18th century. The concept of probation, or giving a convicted criminal a chance to redeem himself without serving time in prison, was first introduced in 1841 by John Augustus. In August of that year, Augustus decided to try a radical approach with a man convicted of being drunk and disorderly. The man swore to Augustus that he would change his ways if only he did not have to serve time in the House of Correction. Augustus believed the man and he posted bail. Augustus went on to help others in the same fashion and eventually became regarded â€Å"a private angel and guardian of men convicted of crime†(Friedman, 1993, 162). Massachusetts was the first state to formally recognize this option in criminal sentencing in 1878 with the remaining states following suit throughout the rest of the century and onto into the early part of the 1900’s. It would take some fine-tuning to bring probation up to its current standards. Early probation officers enjoyed no formal training and many states were without prerequisites for passing this form of sentencing. In the early years, probation was often given in exchange for a guilty plea most often to married men, those who held jobs and exhibited no apparent vices. Judges used the sentence of probation prodigiously for several decades. It was only in the 1980’s, when the public clamored for stiffer penalties, that probation lost favor. In 1986, only 28% of male felony defendants were awarded probation as compared to nearly half of those convicted in 1970 (Friedman, 1993, 409). Probation initially became popular as the thrust of the legal system shifted from focusing on the â€Å"what†(the crime) to the â€Å"who†(the criminal) and how to best reform the offender (Friedman, 1993, 168). More recently, the focus has become a bit more equally fixed on both preventing the crime and rehabilitation of the criminal. Today, offenders on probation are closely monitored by correctional officers through surveillance in the community. Often, some sort of restitution is also involved with the goal of making the offender accountable and responsible in order to rejoin the community without potential further risk (Jones, 2). This option allows the offender to serve a sentence under â€Å"house arrest†and maintain a job rather than be integrated into the prison system, which is already strained to its limit. The level of supervision varies based on the crime committed. For those convicted of drug charges, a more constant monitoring system is used, often electronic. Another alternative is to use a â€Å"combination of prison time and work release/community service†(Jones, 3). Probation is often used as a condition of plea bargaining for a lesser sentence in exchange for information or a guilty plea. Plea bargaining came about as a quick, and cheap way, to move defendants through the legal system and probation helps to keep minor criminals out of jail. The concept of probation has evolved in many ways since its inception in the 1800’s but it still incorporates the integral idea of giving a convicted criminal a degree of trust. Prison Life: Comparison and Contrast with Life in General Society According to the dictionary, the definition of a prison is â€Å"A place for the confinement of persons in lawful detention, especially persons convicted of crimes; a place or condition of confinement or forcible restraint or a state of imprisonment or captivity.†Prisons first came about as a means of correctional punishment. In colonial times, punishment was often a way to shame the criminal in public; putting someone in prison did not have the same effect as putting him or her out in public view to submit to shame and scorn. When prison was used for sentencing, jail terms were generally short and in most cases less than 30 days. It was not until the 1800’s that prisons were built in more abundance and courts used them for sentencing on a regular basis. Today prison systems vary widely according to level of security and the state in which they are located. The aim of each and every one is still the same, however, and that is to deprive a convicted criminal of freedom. For a prisoner there is no freedom of choice. He is told when to wake up in the morning, when it is meal time, when to work, when to exercise, when to go to bed. There are no food choices or menus and the prisoner must either eat what is given him or go hungry. No comforts of home await him in his cell; the prisoner is lucky to be able to have a selection of books and perhaps a photo or two to keep him company. At night, lights are turned off at a particular time. Cell checks can be performed at any time of night or day. There is no privacy for bathing or bodily functions. The prisoner is unable to have any items that are not approved by the system. He also has no choice regarding a cell mate unless undue violence forces a cell change. Most prisons do not allow televisions or even radios as forms of entertainment; even when they are allowed there is no satellite or cable attached and no choice of programming. The work program is enforced in many prisons with prisoners being allocated to do jobs that benefit the community or provide food or clothing for the system. Any â€Å"luxury†items must be earned and paid for with pitifully low wages. In comparison, life in general society is full of choices. As a free citizen, people in this country are allowed to choose where they live, where they work, what they eat and what they do. There are no proscribed times in which they are forced to do anything and if they are unhappy at their job, they are allowed to quit and find work elsewhere. The times in which free citizens awaken in the morning and go to bed at night are at their own discretion; if someone wishes to never turn out the light and stay up all night, he may do so. He has the ability to go out and purchase items at will, as needed or desired. The private citizen can choose to live as he wants whether that be in clean or messy surroundings, in a house filled with knick knacks and furniture or a more austere setting. Entertainment options abound. In short, nothing short of illegal activity is prohibited for a free citizen. Whether in prison or out in general society, there are still rules made by our national and state governments to be abided by and morals which govern our actions. In prison it is more closely monitored while in general society citizens do not warrant such close supervision. As well, people in either situation must earn what they have. Loss of freedom is the biggest difference between living in prison or living outside. Contrast and Comparison of Georgia and Florida State Prisons In the Georgia state prison system, the dormitories shown are used for housing groups of prisoners who require minimal security. Rows of bunk beds are stacked two high and furnished with a thin blanket and pillow. A box beneath the bunk is the only place for personal items. The lighting is industrial and the flooring is utilitarian and easy to keep clean. It is surprising that there is a wide expanse of windows. Other than the addition of appliances and counters, the prison kitchen looks much the same as the dormitory. It looks to be well stocked, much as a large commercial kitchen might be furnished. The health intake area is set up like a school room with rows of small wooden desks headed by a larger desk manned by a prison employee. The state of Georgia’s correctional system offers a boot camp, a diversion center, probation detention, and transitional centers in addition to the state prisons. The state runs several farms, which provide all the food for the prisoners incarcerated at the low cost of $1.51 per prisoner per day. The Florida state prisons use a traditional cell configuration built in two stories overlooking a central corridor as well as the dormitory concept. According to the website, most of the Florida correctional facilities use dorm housing. The bunks in these dorms are not stacked but are situated individually in rows. A row of small, high windows lines one wall while fluorescent lighting illuminates the area. Cells house either one or two men and have two cots that pull down from the wall with a thin blanket and pillow on each. There is one small window in the exterior wall and a narrow door. A sink and open toilet are the only other furnishings. Death row cells are even more sparse and small with a total size of 6’ x 9’ x 9.5’. They have no window and a barred entrance. Death row cells are configured for only one person. The majority of inmates in the Florida state correctional system are enrolled in either a substance abuse program, a vocational education or adult education program. They also participate in Prison Rehabilitative Industries and Diversified Enterprises or Prison Industry Enhancement work programs. Inmates also grow some of their own food and both prison systems seem to be doing a good job of keeping food costs down through farming their own vegetables. The two prison systems are similar in their housing set ups. Cells and dormitories are sparse and barren. Both systems require prisoners to be involved in production of the food used within the facilities and offer work programs. Both Florida and Georgia’s state systems offer probation and transitionary facilities. The Florida state correctional system has more programs available and more options for rehabilitation of prisoners. The Georgia system seems to offer more minimal security facilities although they did not have a virtual tour of anything other than dormitories posted on their website and they most certainly house death row inmates. Georgia’s website is set up more for the convenience of family members of those incarcerated while the Florida website focuses more on the hard facts of prison life as a deterrence measure. While both states offer model facilities for incarceration of criminals, neither system looks particularly inviting or homey. References Friedman, Lawrence M (1993). Crime and Punishment in American History. New York: HarperCollins Publishers. Jones, Calvin. â€Å"Alternatives to Standard Methods of Incarceration†. Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Retrieved November 8, 2007 from the FDOLE Web site: â€Å"Virtual Prison Tour. Georgia Department of Corrections. Retrieved November 8, 2007 from the GDOC Web site:
Monday, October 14, 2019
Statistical Analysis: Causes and Death and Illness
Statistical Analysis: Causes and Death and Illness Meagan Atcheson The statistics around causes of death are imperative as well as vital in determining and monitoring the health status of populations as well as for identifying critical priorities for various health systems. Most industrialized countries have effective systems in place to determine the main causes of death. In contrast to this, developing countries are not as advanced in placing such systems which proves detrimental in trying to improve the overall health of the nation. Indeed, there are vast differences in the top causes of death within developed countries versus the developing countries. This essay will compare and contrast the top five causes of death in the United States of America and in South Africa as well as provide evidence and explanations for these differences. Moreover, it will critically discuss the risk factors, health policy, disease progression and treatment advances or lack thereof with regard to particular causes in each context. Finally, it will address certain app roaches needed to improve the health of populations. The most fundamental aspect of any health policy looks at methods to maintain as well as improve the health status of a population. Defining the health of a nation as well as how health is measured is critical to any health care system (Kronenfeld, 2002). The World Health Organization defines health not only in terms of the negative definition where health is seen as the absence of disease but also incorporates physical, mental and social well being (World Health Organization, 1948). Mortality rates are the basic form of measurement needed to asses health status. By counting the number of deaths in a year and comparing it to preceding years, the health status of various populations can be determined (Ogden, 2007). Health statistics have shown that diseases, their occurrence as well as mortality rates differ from one country to the next; more specifically developed countries as opposed to developing countries (Tool Tool, 2004). Developed or industrialised countries such as the USA are typically more economically advanced with a high level of economic growth and standard of living as well as advanced technological infrastructure. In contrast to this, developing countries like South Africa have a lower standard of living, are under industrialised and have poorer economic growth (Szirmai, 2005). Ranking causes of death is an extremely useful method for representing mortality statistics (Ogden, 2007).The U.S department of health and human services released a report at the end of 2009 on the leading causes of death in the United States by age, sex and race. The top five causes death in rank order were found to be; diseases of the heart; malignant neoplasms; chronic lower respiratory diseases; cerebrovascular disease and accidents (unintentional injury). It is imperative to note the differences in ranks for age. For example the leading causes of death for infants were accidents; congenital malformations; deformations; chromosomal abnormalities and malignant neoplasms. This differed to the age group of between 2-44 years where the leading causes were unintentional injuries, homicide as well as suicide. For individuals over 45, the primary causes of mortality respectively were heart disease and cancer. Certain variations and similarities exist between the different genders. For b oth genders, heart disease and cancer were the first and second leading causes of death. The third cause for men was unintentional injury versus stroke for women. The fourth leading cause for both sexes was chronic lower respiratory disease followed by stroke for men and Alzheimer’s for women. Little deviation was found among the different races (Heron, 2012). These results remained the same for data collected in 2011 (Hoyert Xu, 2012). The South African statistical release for 2010 showed Tuberculosis (TB) to be the leading natural cause of death. The second leading cause of death was influenza and pneumonia. The third primary cause was intestinal infectious diseases followed by other forms of heart disease (not Ischaemic) and then cerebrovascular diseases. The first two causes; tuberculosis and influenza and pneumonia were the top two causes for both male and female. The third leading cause for women was cerebrovascular disease followed by intestinal infectious disease and then other forms of heart disease. This differed to that of the male group whose third leading cause of death was intestinal infectious disease followed by other forms of heart disease and then cerebrovascular disease. The age group as well as the various provinces in South Africa were included in this statistical report to illustrate slight differences in the top causes of death. In the Free State as well as in Limpopo, the leading cause of dea th was influenza and pneumonia unlike all other states where tuberculosis remained the main cause of death. The major death cause for children below the age of fifteen years was intestinal infectious disease compared to the age group 15-64 whose main reason for death was due to TB. For those aged over 65, cerebrovascular disease caused the most deaths (Statistics South Africa, 2010). Being a developing country, South African individuals face a high risk of contracting and dying from Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is a disease where bacteria enters and invades various body tissues such as the lungs, brain and kidney. It is spread from individuals who contain the untreated, active form of the Tuberculosis bacteria through droplets releases into the air via coughing, sneezing or speaking (Wouk, 2010). Although there are numerous risk factors for TB, it mostly affects poorer individuals who are living in rural areas with a lack of affordability for transport as well as treatment, people with weak immune systems, those who lack access to Directly Observed Treatment, Short course (DOTS) as well as those who are uninsured. Furthermore, the strongest risk factor for the development of TB is HIV. These two diseases continue to have a deadly association as each drives the development of the other. Drug resistant strains of the TB bacteria is a huge risk factor leading to the e normous amounts of deaths in South Africa (Davies, 2005). Moreover, the poor health care system as well as the limited number of properly trained health workers in South Africa threatens the majority of people who contract Tuberculosis (Downing, Gwyther, Mwangi-Powell, 2012). The National Department of Health in South Africa implemented the National Tuberculosis control programme which aimed to reduce mortality due to TB as well as prevention of drug resistance development by 2005. However, the health policy surrounding TB in South Africa needs to be strengthened considerably in various areas. Firstly, public health services need to improve DOTS implementation as well as more emphasis needs to be placed on access and utilisation of health services (World Health Organization, 2009). Moreover, different approaches need to be taken in regard to the HIV on TB relationship. Furthermore, higher quality strategies are needed for better TB diagnosis and treatment (South African Department of health, 2004) Although TB is curable, it is the progression from latent TB infection to multidrug- resistant TB that results in the high mortality figures in South Africa. Individuals with latent TB infection show no signs and symptoms of the disease as it is still in the harmless stage. However, if these individuals do not receive proper treatment, reflecting majority of the cases present in South Africa, it develops into TB disease. It usually starts out with damage to lung tissue but often lands up affecting many body tissues and organs. Moreover, TB is extremely resilient and adaptable. Often in developing countries, the right combination of drugs are not taken for the right amount of time due to a large number of reasons such as poverty and this then leads to multidrug-resistant TB. If left untreated multi-drug resistant TB can be fatal (Dyer, 2010). There have been major efforts to improve TB control and treatment in South Africa. Fixed dose combination tablets (FDC’S) were introduced in 2000 in the hope of prevention of resistance and easier administration. Together with the combination tablets, directly observed treatment is enforced to ensure treatment adherence and to help prevent emergence of drug resistance (South African Department of health, 2004). Despite these efforts, the TB incidence and fatality rates still continue to increase. It is therefore not a lack of treatment that hinders South Africa from reaching their target for TB control, but rather a lack of appropriate infection control measures in public health settings together with the high prevalence of HIV that results in increased numbers of drug resistant TB cases (Weyer, 2007). Heart disease in developed countries like the United States is mostly attributed to individual behaviour and lifestyle unlike TB in South Africa. This disease can be linked to risk factors such as smoking, unhealthy diet, alcohol abuse, diabetes, lack of physical activity as well as high blood cholesterol and blood pressure. Age, heredity and gender also play a role in the development of heart disease (Brannon Feist, 2010). In contrast to developing countries, Americans face very different risk factors which can often be attributed to their fast paced and busy lifestyles. America implemented a public health action plan to prevent heart disease and stroke which addresses an urgent need for the action of prevention. This is in contrast to South Africa’s health policy that still needs to be strengthened. Public health agencies together with the general public of America are needed to help promote the national goals of preventing heart disease as support for these health programmes continue to remain low. The American health action plan aims to improve cardiovascular health through prevention, early detection as well as treatment of various risk factors. This plan also includes developing new health policies that includes innovative intervention programmes for especially high risk groups that will result in measurable impacts (U.S. department of health and human services, n.d.) Heart disease is a chronic condition that tends to get worse over time. Unlike TB, heart disease is not infectious and cannot be spread from one person to the next which is often the case in small areas such as the townships in developing countries. Heart disease is mostly a direct result of lifestyle choices. Furthermore, the progression of heart disease can become extremely unpredictable as it is different for each person. In some instances, the symptoms of the disease can remain stable over months or even years before becoming worse, while in others these symptoms may rapidly development. In America, early stages of heart disease are seen as early as age 15. Hypertension as well as other cardiovascular risk factors has all been linked to the progression of heart failure (Abraham, 2001). New treatments for heart disease have dramatically improved the life expectancy of these individuals in America. Drugs such as statins, antihypertensive agents, thrombolytic agents, anti-platelet as well as anti-coagulation therapies have all proved to be effective treatments. Moreover, novel device based therapies is an advancement in treatment that has contributed to a decline in cardiac mortality in the United States. Through being a developed country, they have access to modern genetics and genomics that will allow for more targeted use of drugs to emerge in the future which will greatly improve the effectiveness of therapy. This is in contrast to South Africa’s limited resources and modern medical advances that still allow drug resistant TB to be a major cause of death (Weisfeldt Zieman, 2007). Apart from cerebrovascular disease and some forms of heart disease, the leading causes of mortality differed significantly between the United States and South Africa. These variations can be explained by the different risk factors, health policies, disease progressions as well as treatment advances or a lack thereof between the two countries. In contrast to developed countries, developing countries have vastly different health priorities due to a diverse set of risks. The many factors such under industrialization, high unemployment rates, underdeveloped health care system as well as the low standards of living is the answer to why causes of death are so unalike. Moreover, the problems in the quality of health care need to be addressed in order to see the health of South Africans improve. In America, additional intervention programmes need to be introduced to help better the health status of the nation. Furthermore, through the comparisons of the approaches South Africa takes in regar d to Tuberculosis versus the approach to heart disease taken in America, proper explanations of the mortality cause differences can be seen. References: Abraham, W. T. (2001). Anti- adrenergic therapy in hypertensive patients with concomitant disease. In L. Ryden (Eds.). Disease progression throughout the cardiovascular continuum. (pp. 25-26 ). Germany: Springer- Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Brannon, L., Feist, J. (2010). Health psychology: an introduction to behaviour and health (7th Ed.). USA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Davies, P.O. (2005). Risk factors for Tuberculosis. Monaldi Arch Chest Dis, 63(1), 37-46. Downing, J., Gwyther, L., Mwangi- Powell, F. (2012). Public health and palliative care: a perspective from Africa. In L. Sallnow, S. Kumar, A.Kellehear (Eds.). International perspectives on public health and palliative care. (pp. 69- 84). Oxon: Routledge. Dyer, C.A. (2010). Biographies of disease: Tuberculosis. California: Greenwood Press. Heron, M. (2012). Deaths: Leading causes for 2009. National vital statistics reports, 61(7). Hyattsville, MD: National Centre for Health Statistics. Hoyert, D.L., Xu, J.Q. (2012). Deaths: Preliminary data for 2011. National vital statistics reports; vol 61 no 6. Hyattsville, MD: National Centre for Health Statistics. Kronenfeld, J.J. (2002). Health care policy: issues and trend.USA: Praeger Publishers. Ogden, J. (2007). Health Psychology (4th Ed.). England: Open University Press. South African Department of Health. (2004). The South African National Tuberculosis Control Programme: Practical guidelines. Retrieved from Statistics South Africa. (2010). Mortality and causes of death in South Africa: findings from death notification (P0309.3). Pretoria: Statistics South Africa. Retrieved from Szirmai, A. (2005). The dynamics of socio-economic development. UK: Cambridge University Press. Toole, G., Toole, S. (2004). Essential AS Biology for OCR. UK: Nelson Thornes Ltd. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for disease control and Prevention.(n.d.). A public health action plan to prevent heart disease and stroke. Retrieved from Weisfeldt, M. L., Zieman, S.J. (2007). Advances in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Health Affairs, 26(1), 25-37. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.26.1.25 Weyer, K. (2007). Case study: South Africa. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 85(5), 325-420. World Health Organization. (1948) Preamble of the Constitution of the World Health Organisation as adopted by the International Health Conference. Geneva: Switzerland. World Health Organization. (2009). WHO policy on TB infection control in health care facilities. Geneva: WHO Wouk, H. (2010). Tuberculosis.NY: Marshall Cavendish Corporation. Is Globalisation Undermining State Sovereignty? Is Globalisation Undermining State Sovereignty? Is globalization undermining state sovereignty? Throughout the years it has been argued that globalization has a significant effect on state sovereignty. That ongoing debate between scholars and social scientists is trying to determine whether or not state can still maintain its own sovereignty. Weiss (1998) suggests that there are certain factors such as investments in international economy, multinational corporations and non-governmental organizations which undermine the state sovereignty. On the other hand, Krasner (2001) argues that in the past similar things such as free trade existed and state sovereignty was able to dominate. The essay will focus on defining globalization and sovereignty. Then it will observe how multinational corporations, inter-governmental organizations, open market economy and international crime can reduce state’s power and therefore undermine sovereignty. Sovereignty is a very broad term which Barkin and Cronin (1994, p.107-30) simply defines as the power of state to make and amend any law within its own state boundaries. Moreover, sovereignty is defined as the â€Å"absolute supremacy over internal affairs within its territory, absolute right to govern its people, and freedom from any external interference in the above matters†(Martinez, 1996; Wang, 2004, p.473). The state is the supreme political authority within its territory and therefore it does not recognize any higher political authority outside it. With this definition it would be easier to determine whether or not globalization affects certain aspects of it. Beekens (2003, p.130) illustrates globalization as the â€Å"world-wide interconnectedness between nation states supplemented by globalization as a process in which basic social arrangements (such as power, culture, markets, politics, rights, values, norms, ideology, identity, citizenship, and solidarity) become disembedded from their spatial context (mainly, the nation-state) because of the acceleration, massification, flexibilisation, diffusion, and expansion of transnational flows of people, products, finance, images, and information.†Therefore, first we are going to observe how economic factors of globalization – free market, increasing power of multinational corporations affect the state sovereignty. The end of the World War Two and the Cold War led to a more open world economy market to countries and individuals as a result of globalization. Therefore, international trade between countries increased significantly where foreign direct investments and multinational corporations participated too. Since there was an open free market some countries reached GDP as never seen before. For example, a drastic changes can be seen in countries such as France where the GDP export ration rose almost four times and in the United States where it doubled (Michie, 2011, p.30-40). Michie (2011, p.40-43) also mentions that these examples show us that international trade has grown with time leading to economic dependency between countries which undermine state sovereignty. This dependency gives the power of other countries to manipulate and control the economy of another country. For example, in order to attract more consumers for its goods and services, China buys US bonds to maintain the US dollar currency high. This undermines states sovereignty, because it undermines the â€Å"absolute power of a state over internal and foreign affairs within its own boundaries†(Wang, 2004, p.474-76). In this way US is dependent on China to buy their bonds. Multinational corporations and their foreign direct investments are another part of globalization which undermines state sovereignty. The investments only in the developed countries have risen from 17 to 25 percent between 1990 and 2000 which simply shows that the multinational corporations are a big part of the production and manufacturing of goods and services in few countries (Michie, 2011, p.45-50). Furthermore, between 1960s and 1970s there was an increase in foreign direct investments by EU and US multinational corporations which attracted other countries to get involved too. Strange (1996, p160-80) argues that globalization has increased the powers of multinational corporations making the state sovereignty weaker. Furthermore, Strange notes that the advancements in technology, wider communications, international trade and transportation are parts of the globalization process which is also seen as an impact on state sovereignty. For instance, states do not have full authority o ver individual businesses which operate in the free market economy. As a result of globalization there is an increased competition between international businesses and therefore, state sovereignty is undermined because it questions the power of the state over its internal affairs (Strange, 1996, p181-99). The biggest challenge which state sovereignty is facing even now is international crime. This is when the state cannot protect its citizens from external or internal affairs as for example terrorism. To prevent that governments form inter-governmental organizations. These organizations are not profit organizations and their target is to resolve concerns and problems that affect the world. Such organisation is the United Nations. A good present example of an international group which pose a threat to state sovereignty is Al Qaeda. As Aydinli (2006, p.35-45) says, the attacks on US and Spain in 2000 undermined their state sovereignty because they were not able to protect their citizens. On the other hand, in the same year the United States also intervened Iraq and Afghanistan ignoring the United Nations. This could also be seen as international crime because they ignored state sovereignty and just went into these Middle East countries blaming them for supporting terrorism. Despite the fact that the inter-governmental organizations are supposed to promote peace, sometimes they violate state sovereignty too. For example, in 1999 NATO intervened Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in order to prevent more â€Å"humanitarian suffering and more repression and violence against the civilian population†(Solana, 1999). This can be seen as an example of countries, members of NATO, trying to stop this humanitarian catastrophe. Although NATO’s actions were legal and justified, the government of Yugoslavia undermined sovereignty by putting its own citizens in danger. This contradicts to one of the aspects of state sovereignty in which the state should protect its own population. Another example is Mali. France, which is a key ally in NATO and UN, started a military campaign in Mali again the jihadists which led to an â€Å"intensive airstrikes†in order to block them (Hammond, 2013). In this case NATO affects the state sovereignty because they intervene to protect the people, whereas the state has to govern and protect its own citizens. This intervention might lead to further violations of human rights or even ethnic conflicts, even though the purpose of this intervention was to stabilize the country. Therefore, as Albala (2005) says, the actions of these inter-governmental organizations undermine the aspects of state sovereignty as they move into other state`s territory and also participate in the internal and external affairs of the state. Also the international community is currently condemning Russia for undermining the sovereignty of Ukraine. It is unclear if internal sovereignty will be possible. Furthermore, Russia will support protests against the new government even if they have to use military power. Russia has also withdrawn their loans from Ukraine making them dependent on Western financial support. At the same time, the territorial integrity of the country is partly at stake as long as pro-Russian parts of Ukraine might feel threatened by the clear pro-Western course of the new intermediate government.This can also be seen as another example of undermining state sovereignty. Globalization is not just a threat to state sovereignty, it is more like a threat to culture and national identity. For example, at no point in the history of the EU or ECC as it was called erasing borders and merging states have been seriously considered. Despite the fact that the European Union is an inter-governmental organization seeking for peace and development, it opens the borders between the member countries. Free market economy, free trade and immigration have shaped the EU more as one state than an organization. That occurs because the open boundaries lead to merging the cultures and national identity is fading away. All this can raise questions to Member states whether or not their national identities and state sovereignty are undermined. Moreover, it does undermine the state sovereignty but in a different way – throughout international law. International law has been affected by globalization in terms that it makes the international law into a global public law (Garcia, 2005, p.1-2). What it means is that globalization is actually trying to expand the â€Å"domain of justice†(Garcia, 2005) from domestic to global. An example is the European Union. When a country in the EU wants to make a law, firstly they have to follow the agreements on European Law and regulations. Garcia (2005, p3) says that â€Å"International harms to individuals are understood within a framework of harm to a state’s rights†. Simply, the state cannot claim laws as it wishes and it also has no sovereign power on internal and external affairs Furthermore, other form of international organizations are the international non-governmental organizations. They start as small community groups where some of them work also with the government, aiming to help where the government is struggling (Baylis, Smith Owens; 2011). However, these organizations have spread their work on a global scale and their influence has risen. Inter-governmental and international non-governmental organizations have one target which is global governance – where transnational actors aim to solve problems that affect more than one state. Such organizations are the Red Cross, Care International, Oxfarm International. When one of these international NGO goes into a country with a stated purpose as for example to give medical help or fight against violence as Amnesty International does in Somalia, they agree not to get politically involved in anyway. If their work is, for example, then stopped by the government who accuses them of showing a bias in whi ch they treat and expel them from the country then the NGO can complain to the UN and ask for support to continue their work. Recently, Amnesty International has requested the UN Security Council to â€Å"tighten arms control embargo on Somalia†(Amnesty International publication; 2014). Last year the UN Security Council allowed Somalia to import small arms and light weapons (Amnesty International publication; 2014)). The intergovernmental organization weakens the state sovereignty in that case because despite the fact that they have stabilized the country on first place, their actions have made the government weaker to defend its sovereignty. To summarize, we first looked at what state sovereignty and globalization mean followed by criticism about the influence of globalization over states. We saw how foreign investments by the multinational corporations and the increasing dependency between economics markets as such as the case with United States and China. State sovereignty was undermined because governments became more unstable and lost control over international businesses becoming dependent on them for proving jobs and taxes. This also undermines one of the main principles of state sovereignty which was the absolute power of the state over its internal affairs, citizens and freedom (Martinez, 1996; Wang, 2004, p.473). Globalization has also brought international crime and international organizations which undermine state sovereignty in different aspects. Terrorism as we mentioned weakens the state making it unable to protect its own citizens. Globalization has been also seen to undermine national identity and state v alues as with European Union where the European Supreme Court acts as highest law within the European Union. Since some governments cannot guarantee protection there are inter-governmental and international non-governmental organization such as NATO, Amnesty International, United Nations which intervene to help those countries such as Yugoslavia, Mali and more recently Ukraine and Somalia. Although they have been also seen to undermine state sovereignty because sometimes as with Somalia, the international organizations have even worsen the situation. With all these factors of globalization – free market economy, multinational corporations, foreign direct investments, international crime and international law it can be concluded that state’s sovereignty and control over its territory has declined throughout the years due globalization. Bibliography: Amnesty International, (2014) â€Å"UN Security Council urged to tighten arms embargo on Somalia†Press release: 04/03/2014; Available on: Last accessed: 05/03/2014 Albala, N. (2005) â€Å"‘We the peoples’, not the states†, Available on Last Access on 04/03/2014 Aydinli, E (2013): Assessing violent nonstate actorness in global politics: a framework for analysis, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, DOI:10.1080/09557571.2013.819316 Available on: Last Accessed on 04/03/2014 Barkin, J. and Cronin, B. (1994). The state and the nation: changing norms and the rules of sovereignty in international relations. International Organization, 48, pp 107-130. doi:10.1017/S0020818300000837. Available on: Last accessed: 04/03/2014 Baylis J., Smith S. and Owens P. (2011) â€Å"The globalization of world poltics†; Oxford University press Dr. Javier Solana, (1999); Press Statement on Yugoslavia case Available on: Last accessed: 05/03/2014 Garcia, F. (2005) â€Å"Globalization and the Theory of International Law†International Legal Theory 11, (2005): 9-26. Available online on: Last accessed: 05/03/2014 Hammond, J. 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