Sunday, April 19, 2020
Iran Iraq war causes and consequences free essay sample
Iran-Iraq conflict causes and consequences (1980-88) INTRODUCTION : This conflict began when Iraq invaded iran in 1980 followed by border disputes and Irq’s desire to become dominant Persian Gulf state and the Iranian revolution at that time .but they couldn’t get the control they only occupied some portion of iran and then repelled by iran .Despite calls for a ceasefire by the United Nations Security Council, hostilities continued until 20 August 1988. The war finally ended with Resolution 598, Causes : The causes of Iran Iraq conflicts can be attributed to wide range of issues Political causes-historical claims of territory, Shatt Al Arab waterway dispute and result of six day war Economic causes- occupying of Khuzestan, religious Cultural causes- cultural differences between Iran and Iraq and results of the Iranian revolution Long term causes: Historical disputes: The historical disputes over the shatt al arab waterway and border can be traced back to the Islamic period that occurred in 7 th century. We will write a custom essay sample on Iran Iraq war causes and consequences or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page invasions and counter invasions occurred between Mesopotamia and Persia regions.Iraq’s population was primarily composed of arab with small minority of kurds.Iran’s population was more diverse Persian,kurds,baluchis,turkmans and other tukic groups. In 1420 ad safavid empire began rebelling against dominance of Ottoman empire in Middle east. Ottomoan empire was In control over Iraq and safavid empire was in control of curren Iran.distinct branches in Islam (shai and sunni)became more distinct.resulted in the beginning of present day 1639 ad treaty of zuhab border lines between countries had always been vauge when described in the treaty of zuhab.the treaty was signed between former Ottomon empire (the Iraqis)and the safavid empire(Iran).treaty of zuhab stated that the border between Iran and Iraq would run between the zagros mountains and the tigris river.this treaty acted as final solution to the hundred year territorial dispute between the two grants the Persians tsoutheren Caucasus and all of Mesopotamia to the Ottomans the treaty however did not end the animosity between Iran and Iraq.18 additional trations were digned before the turn of the twentieth century. In 1847 treaty of ezerum,was signed by two countries deeming the water way as a border.russian and Britain assumed roles as medi ators to 1847 treaty.Iraq would maintain complete control of this waterway and territories to the east and Iran would only granted minimal access to the river.however Iran only agreed upon these terms in exchange for two Iraqi cities.however shortly after Iran began to push their claims west.wanted to maintain part, if not all of shatt waterway and have unlimited access. In 1937 a revised treaty was established between the newly established and independent Iran and Iraq.the boundaries were to run along the left bank(east bank) of shatt al arab,except for a stretch of 8 kilometers in front of Abadan(Iranian town).Iran and Iraq maintained a somewhat friendly relationship. relationship was later disrupted by instability of monarchies. Border and shatt al arab water way disputes. Shatt al arab water way is responsible for the connection between the Persian gulf with Iranian ports of khorramshan and Abadan and Iraqi port of basra.the shatt al arab is of utmost significance as it acts as the current Iraq’s only access to the Persian gulf.the Russians supported the desired claim of the eastern bank waterway to the Persians while the Britain backup the Ottoman in occupying both banks.the support from the Russians and bretain in the occupying for the river would give them each an upper hand with their trading partners Shatt al arab treaty 1847 treaty was established and stated that the shatt would act as boundary khorramshahn and Abadan.Iraq would maintain complete control of this waterway and Iran would not be granted access to the river.howerver,Iran only agreed upon these terms in exchange for the two Iraqi cities.they turn reducd their dependence on the river. Short term causes: Result of six day war: The participation of Iraq during the October war,more commonly referred to as the six day war,under the governing of the Baath party was quite minimal.their minimal participation is primarly attributed to iarq’s poor preparation.this resulted in Iraq’s mentality to improve their warfare and expand military.iraqpurchased 1600 additional tanks from the USSR and 200 more aircrafts.Baath party promoted saddam to head of military competence,essentially giving saddam the right to complete military control. Nationalism rivalry for power: Result of Iranian revolution: shah of Iran was overthrown in 1979 by radical Islamist and communist.ayatollah Khomeini came into power . the Iranian government led by shah was previously pro-western and anti-socialist turned into highly religious and theocratic government.Israel and the united states were now seen as enimies.mentality of Iranian government was drastically altered. Quest for dominance: with overthrowing of shah dictatorship,the shi’i muslims of Iran saw this as the new beginning for the country.they developed a strong sense of pride and nationlisam in their country.ayatollah Khomeini accused saddam’s regime of being anti-Islamic and overly secular. Looking to overthrow Iraqi regime. That was part of khomeinini’s border plan of expanding the Islamic revolution throughout the middle east. Saddam Hussein ,in Iraq was at the same time looking to establish himself as a great leader in the arab community.their neighbor’s in the west were seen as their largest threat.Iran was viewed as military vulanarable as result of their recent revolution in is difficult to pinpoint precisely to when thewar broke out.earliest forms of violence between two countries are the attack of Iranian villages of khmoneini supporting Iraqis in 1979 by Iraq and the support of rebel groups and the deportation of Iraq born Iraqi civilians.majority of these acts of violence occurred at the border between Iran and Iraq The occupation of Khuzestan: Another geographic region that was considered valuble in addition to the shatt al arab ws Khuzestan.Iarq strategized to sieze control over Khuzestan(occurd in 1980),which is located in south western Iran across from the waterway.khuzestan is rich with oil and is responsible for majority of Iran’s oil supply.saddam was convinced that the capture of this valuble piece of land would result in a new Iranian revolution that would call for the instillations of a government whose intrests were more comparable with Iraq’s. Religious and governmental differences: Difference in ideologies and religious beliefs between Iran and Iraq was an outstanding issue.newly established leaders caused an increased level of nationalism. The invasion of Iran by saddam Hussein acted as culmination to fighting. Effects during the Iran Iraq war: In the final stages of war(1987-1988) no clear military gain for either sides’1983-84 stalemate. Iraq began facing difficulties prior to 1987.lacked capability to counter attack Iranian offensives. outnumbered by population. Iran strengthened by war strong initiative in 1987 attacks seeming better able to survive along conflict.since regaining all lost territory in 1982,Iran was on the offensive until 1988.course of war changed radically in spring of 1988 moving nations to cease fire. Series of Iraqi victories in 1988 compelled Iran to accept previously refused ceasefire agreement. Taker war: Tanker war of 1984 Iraqi attempt to sabotage Iran.strait of hormuz one of the most strategically important passages for oil transport. United states threatened to invade Iran if they closed strait. Iraq attacked Iranian kharg island iol tankers in 1984.iran retailed by attacking tankers of all countries that supported Iraq. Both nations attacked oil tankers and merchant ships in an effort to bankrupt opponent. US involvement lead to death of 290 innocent passengers on mistaken airline,strike on 5 oil vessels.damaged Iranian American relations. War of cities: Stalemate 1985-1987,Iraqi forces better trained ,out numbered by Iranian forces,civilinas became new target.started by Iraq February 1988.Iraq attacked 65 Iranian citites in 42 days 8 missile targets killed 65 children in an elementary school. Iranian civilian aircrafts,trains,Teheran oil refinery were destroyed . Iraq launched 520 scuds at Iran, received 177 in march Iran retaliated by launching 3 scud missiles at Baghdad.gave Iraq excuse to sharply escalate war. Iran was losing morale after 8 years of conflict. Repeated offesives exhausted Iranian capabilities for the war. Iranians no longer supported the war. Publicizing the war pushed for UN ceasefire .Iran ambiguously accepted.USSR and China denied US,UK and France’s arms embargo. Iran angrily denied USSR limited missile ceasefire. Iraqi Kurdistan: Iraqi controlled portion. Historically oppressed by the Iraqi government. Kurdish support for Iran angered Iraq. Iraq launched support for Iran angered Iraq. Iraq launched heavy poison gas attacks on halabjah, march 1988. Khomeini showed will to accept resolution 598 â€Å"happy are those who have departed through martyrdom †¦.unhappy am I that I have drunk this poisoned chalice â€Å". United States only nation that did not publicly condemn use of chemical warfare. Final stages –moving towards ceasefire: 1988 critical turning point in war’s outcome. 3 factors: that played a major role are decline of Iran’s ability to continue fighting due to political and military losses .western presence in gulf combined with Iran’s diplomatic isolation. critical changes to Iraq’s armed forces and methods of warfare. Cease fire: Iran accepted peace resolution 598 on august 20 1988, both sides agreed to pre-war boundaries. Important aspects of Resolution 598: Accept ceasefire and withdraw forces. Settle border disputes under UN held negotiations. Same terms as 1982 resolution. final exchange of POW in 2003. Effects after war: In Iraq: Political effects: Immediately rebuilt broken ties with Saudi Arabia ,Kuwait , Bahrain . started relations with European countries. Diplomatic problems with west untouched. UN was looking to contain Iran. New Iranian leadership (1989) ayatollah khomenini dies, ali Khamenei elected as supreme leader of Iran by assembly of experts. Akbar Rafsanjani elected as president. Adopted economy first policy.attempted to boost foreign investment and trade through liberalizing Iranian markets. Supported privatization policy. Economic reforms helped spur Iranian regrowth. Economic effects: Collapsing economy, futher declined collapse from Islamic revolution. More than 1 million casualities. Exhausted foreign reserves (14.6 billions to 1 billion). Saudi Arabia vetoed Iranian OPEC attempt to cut production and raise prices. Cultural effects: Shi’a muslims continued to dominate. Iranian revolutionary guard corps created to defend theocratic rule (Shiite national guard). Before his death, khomenin tried influencing sunni Iranians with his own theocratic beliefs. The 90s saw an imbalance of religion and republicanism. Technological effects: Outcome of war influenced scientific advancements in Iran.experianced technological and research revival.has fastest scientific growth rate. In Iraq: political effects: US-Iraq ties. Us largest western supporter of Iraq during the war. Iraq believed it could act without consequence in Gulf war.president bush signed NSD26, US wants to maintain friendly relations with gulf oil states.national security for US and stability in Gulf. Iraq relied on the oil exports to rrebuild economy .law of supply states that as supply increses, price decreses (vice versa). Kuwait refused to implement quota. Iraq’s economy unable to rebuild from war reparations. Accusations of Kuwait drilling illegally in Irqa oil fields. Lead to invasion of Kuwait in 1990. Cultural effects : Hussein introduced austerity measures to mobilize population for war effort. All citizens required to donate blood. To gain Shiite support, more were let into the government . brought support by making generous contributions of shia Kurdish genocide systematic attacks against Kurdish population. US assisted Iraq in avoiding repercussions from worldwide condemnation. mustard gas, sarin chemical weapons. massacred 50000-100000 civilians. destroyed 4000 villages,4500 schools mosques, hospitals and 27 churches. War brought international attention to Kurdish oppression. UN passed resolution 688 in 1991,condemning Iraqi oppression of Kurd. demanded access to humanitarian aid. Economic effects: 600 billions debt accumulated with the destruction of economic developments. relations with allies grew tense as Iraq unable to pay back debts. Slowed GDP growth. eventually became most indebted poor country in the world. Conclusion: 8 years of fighting in vain,for both sides.this is the deadliest conflits since world war II.both countries were devasted economically. Iran seemed to have learnt from mistakes, while bankrupt Iraq found it self involved in another conflict .in 1990,saddam Hussein recognized Iranian rights over eastern half of shaat-al –Arab. First widespread use of chemical warfare since 1918.and Iran became more militaristic and anti-western.
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